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Vistula School of Hospitality students again awarded by the MPI Foundation

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Students of the Vistula School of Hospitality proved to be of the highest class and won laurels again. The MPI Meeting Professional International Foundation honoured three members of the Academic Club “2B” – Natalia Haichuk, Nadzeya Melnik, and Anna Leonik, for their active participation in the MPI association. As a reward, they will go to Seville in Spain for the EMEC2020 European Meetings Events Conference. They will also take part in the Future Leaders Forum and will present themselves and compete in the semi-finals of the University Challange.

Participation in EMEC2020 is a precious award for students of the Vistula School of Hospitality, as EMEC is a prestigious conference for professionals dealing with meetings and events in Europe. It is also an opportunity to meet people, build valuable relationships, and discover the latest trends in the industry. It also generates a lot of fun.

– We are happy to represent our University in Seville. Thank you for development opportunities, knowledge and skills, that allow us to achieve such successes. Thank you also Krzysztof Celuch, PhD, who always supports us and is the best tutor ever! ” – said the awarded students.

EMEC2020 starts in sunny Seville, on February the 9th, under the slogan “Cross your borders”.

The conference sets out to be an incubator of innovation for the needs of the meeting industry.

It will be organised according to four essential guidelines:

  • a sustainable event in financial, environmental, and cultural terms;
  • feasible worldwide;
  • designed for and by the European community of the MICE industry;
  • crossing borders in the area of ​​how to meet, learn, and experience.

Participants will be able to discover four educational paths, covering issues such as problem-solving, leadership skills, storytelling and persuasion, along with design thinking. There are also exciting adventures in the programme, including a ‘meeting & eating – event’, co-organised with the local community.

The MPI Foundation is a non-profit organisation that provides grants, scholarships, and research, supporting the global meetings and events industry. It awards people involved in the activities of MPI, an international association working to develop the meetings industry. It engages its members in the field of professional development, enables access to business contacts, provides knowledge, and opens up career opportunities.

Congratulations to our fantastic students! Sevilla is waiting for you.

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