Strona główna / News / Students of the Vistula School of Hospitality support the expansion and modernization of the Central Rescue Station of the GOPR Jurassic Group

Students of the Vistula School of Hospitality support the expansion and modernization of the Central Rescue Station of the GOPR Jurassic Group

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The expansion of the Central Rescue Station of the GOPR Jurassic Group started at the beginning of this year. The plan provides modernization of the existing rooms and creation a large educational space in which mountain rescuers from all over the country will be trained in the future.

Students of the Vistula School of Hospitality join this project together with volunteers from the MPI Poland Chapter association.

On September 11-13, 2020 in Podlesice, they will help in works related to the creation of new station spaces, undergo first aid training, and learn about possible forms of cooperation with GOPR, such as: event support, pre-medical protection of events or security training in in the field of mountain tourism. The event will end with a discussion panel devoted to the security of events, which will take place on September 17 in Warsaw, as part of the Meetings Week Poland 2020.

Today, extreme tourism is particularly interesting for young adepts of the event world. Cooperation with experienced rescuers is a great way to familiarize future leaders in this industry with the challenges related to the implementation of events in the region.

The organizers of the campaign are the MPI Poland Chapter association and the Vistula School of Hospitality. PZU SA is the strategic partner of the event.

Due to the current situation and the involvement of rescuers in activities on the field, organizers decided to make the meeting closed, in a small group of volunteers.

All interested in supporting the project may make payments with the title: “statutory objectives – development of CSR GJ GOPR” to the bank account number: 56 1050 1591 1000 0022 3573 9881.

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