Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Valeryia Pivavarava, La Rochelle, France

Valeryia Pivavarava, La Rochelle, France

Valeryia Pivavarava, La Rochelle, France

My name is Valeryia, I’m studying Tourism and Recreation at Vistula. And I have spent an amazing semester abroad studying in La Rochelle, France thanks to Erasmus+ exchange program! I was at private institution Group Sup de Co at Tourism Management faculty.  It was a good experience to know French education system with a lot of group projects, case studies and completely different process of exam.

But of course, apart from studying, a great part of time I was making friends from all over the world, travelling and exploring French culture and cuisine. And I want to share the most impressive moments! But of course, apart from studying, a great part of time I was making friends from all over the world, travelling and exploring French culture and cuisine. And I want to share the most impressive moments!

One of them is of course Paris with magnificent architecture and best patisseries. One of them is of course Paris with magnificent architecture and best patisseries.

I also visited close cities as Bordeaux and Toulouse and some small islands and cities near La Rochelle, where I had a chance to try local cuisine.

Also in my institution there were many students’ associations. And one of them was organizing a surf weekend! It was one of the best experience in my life! During that trip we were not only learning how to surf, but also had fun with students, playing some sport games and just relaxing in comfortable bungalows.

And of course, studying with international students means not only exploring different cultures, but also showing our own traditions. Me with some Russian speaking student organized Russian party, where we prepared Russian dishes, were playing popular games and spend a great time with our international friends. And once I was representing Russian culture with my friend as a volunteer during exhibition.

In conclusion I would like to encourage all students not to lose such a great chance to study and live abroad. I know that for many students at Vistula as for me, Poland is not their home country. But nevertheless, you shouldn’t be afraid to go further, because in the end you will have an incredible experience that will be useful not only in your life but also in career. All the more so, you will remember this period of life forever. Then don’t miss an opportunity to apply for Erasmus+ Exchange program!

Uczelnia realizuje projekty
współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej
Fundusze Europejskie Rzeczpospolita Polska Unia Europejska
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

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