Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Tri Akhmad Firdaus, Portugal

Tri Akhmad Firdaus, Portugal

Tri Akhmad Firdaus, Portugal

1. Which country did you go to for Erasmus? Which University? Which faculty?
I did my Erasmus Exchange at Portugal, at Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Faculty of Technology and Management

2. What interesting things did you learn there? Did you make new friends?
The most exciting thing that I learned during Erasmus + Exchange is that I made new friends from various countries in Europe. Thus, I also learned new things from them such as culture, language, tolerance and diversity. Erasmus + is not only bringing together people from different backgrounds, more than that it is togetherness and diversity in harmony.

3. What is the most fun part of studying abroad?
The most fun part of studying abroad is making new friends, looking at a new campus, and enjoying the beauty of its city.

4. How did you spend your free time there?
Usually, I did assignments and learn new things to improve myself, and sometimes I took picnics to a famous site in the city of Braganca. When I was undergoing an exchange, there was a lockdown due to Covid-19 so that it regulated to study from home until the end of the semester. Even so, I have maintained the health protocols established by the Portuguese government.

5. How was student life abroad?
For me, life studying abroad is enjoyable, lecturers and other students are very supportive of each other. The lecturer delivered the material in class very well, and the students were very active in listening to what was explained by the lecturer. Not only that, campus life is very calm, very supportive as a learning environment.

6. Which interesting places did you visit there?
When I did my Erasmus study in Braganca, I liked visiting the Braganca castle, which is one of the city’s famous icons. It is located on a hill, where we can see the whole city atmosphere when we are on it. Not only that, but I also travelled to several cities in Portugal which also have beautiful tourist attractions. Like Lisbon, Braga, Villa Real, Miranda, and others.,

7. How do you rate the Erasmus program?

8. What advice do you have for students interested in going abroad?
My advice for students who will do an abroad study is to enjoy every story that you create in the place or city that you will visit, learn about culture, language, and visit beautiful places that are there. Moreover, the most important thing is to make friends as much as possible because through this opportunity you can get new friends from many countries. Trust me, study abroad is not only about you are moving to other city or state, but you will feel new things that keep you happy and grateful to be able to do it while studying abroad.

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współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej
Fundusze Europejskie Rzeczpospolita Polska Unia Europejska
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