Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Lalu Ilham Maryadi, Lithuania

Lalu Ilham Maryadi, Lithuania

Lalu Ilham Maryadi, Lithuania
  1. Which country did you go to for Erasmus? Which University? Which faculty?

I visited Lithuania and I studied in Vilniaus Kolegija University, and I was enrolled in Business Management Faculty.

  1. What interesting things did you learn there? Did you make new friends?

The interesting thing is actually not what I learned, but how did I learn. The method used during my study was learning by doing and it is quite different from how I learn at Vistula University. For example, in the Introduction to Business course we have to make a business plan. In order to do that you have to gather the information needed from the business owner itself. In the other course especially for Hospitality Management, we visited some Hotels and so we could see how the management works in every department. In order to support the practical learning method, the university also has a replica of a hotel’s front desk equipped with PMS (property management system) supported computers where we can practice for guest services.

And yes, I have made new friends. They were smart, awesome, and kind people. We were hangout together sometimes and the farewell party was kind of emotional.

  1. What is the most fun part of studying abroad?

The most fun part of studying abroad is you can always learn something new. You will learn how to say good morning or thank you in a new language (which is Labas rytas and ačiū in Lithuanian. Yes, you literally try to sneeze to say thank you). You can also learn how to cook pasta in various way.

  1. How did you spend your free time there?

I have spent my free time through Photography. Vilnius has a lot of cool places as an object. Sometimes I was exploring the local cuisine. One of my favorites is šaltibarščiai. Yeah good luck to spell that word.

  1. How was student life abroad?

For me at first, it was kind of challenging. You need to learn how to adapt to the new environment, people, and even the learning method used in the university. But the more you learn the more amazing it feels. You will earn new skills, having good friends, new recipes of how to cook pasta, etc. to summarize how was the “my student life abroad” I will use only one sentence “ IT WAS AWESOME ”.

  1. Which interesting places did you visit there?

I have visited some of the landmarks of Lithuania like Gediminas castle tower, Vilnius old town, Vilniaus Katedra, Three crosses hill, Republic of Uzupis, Trakai castle (which is highly recommended), TV Bokstas, some old churches, Nacionalinis Muziejus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystėsthe or the National Museum, and the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.

One fun fact of Lithuania that Lithuania is one of the countries that allow hot air balloons to fly over the cities. One day I woke up and opened my window and that giant red balloon flew over my dormitory. I was so amazed and stood still until I realized I was late to go to University. And it was an amazing experience to be able to ride on the hot air balloon.

  1. How do you rate the Erasmus program?

Erasmus Program has changed my life completely. this program has widened my perspective about the world, that there is a lot beautiful thing out there. You will meet new people that maybe you will hate or love the most, you will earn new skills that could develop your future career, you will taste cuisines that your tongue never taste before, you will visit places that could amaze you, you will hear songs from the language that you don’t even understand but somehow it leaves you with tears and unforgettable memory.

Erasmus program is an absolute way to improve knowledge and skills, build up links and connections with people and nature, and it is an effective tool to develop human society.

  1. What advice do you have for students interested in going abroad?

Before you decide to have a study abroad make sure you follow some advice below:

  1. It is highly recommended for you to have a little research trough internet about the country/ university that you will visit.
  2. Make sure you have insurance (both travel and health insurance) that will cover your mobility.
  3. Taking your friends with you is a good idea.
  4. It is highly recommended to know some simple phrases of the country that you will visit. Some simple phrases like thank you, excuse me, good morning or I do not speak Lithuanians, could you speak English, please.
  5. Make sure to fulfill the required documents of your travel (passport and visa).
  6. ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is mandatory. It will help you a lot in order to get some discounts and transport access.
  7. Make sure that you already have proper accommodation before your mobility. In case you do not like the dormitory, you can share a flat with your friends.
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