Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Daria Antoniuk, Austria

Daria Antoniuk, Austria

Daria Antoniuk, Austria

My Erasmus+ Story

I went to Austria, for my Erasmus exchange. I studied International Business in FH Voralberg which is located in a small city Dornbirn, that is based next to the border with Lichtenstein and Switzerland. My time in Dornbirn went very fast because we had lots of interesting things to do. As I lived next to the Alps, it was a great opportunity to try hiking and skiing. Apart from that, we travelled a lot, I’ve visited 6 new countries and had a chance to admire lots of natural and architectural beauties.

Erasmus was a great experience: I met lots of wonderful people, learned new languages and cultures, visited breathtakingly beautiful places. I didn’t have a moment of regret or sorrow that I have chosen to participate in Erasmus. Overall, I think that it is a great opportunity to try yourself in unusual conditions, to broaden horizons and to make lifelong friendships.

Uczelnia realizuje projekty
współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej
Fundusze Europejskie Rzeczpospolita Polska Unia Europejska
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

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