English-language journalism research club

About us:
We are journalism students from the university who are responsible to keep people informed about the events around Vistula University. The activities of the club are conducted in English.
How Does It Work?
We have an Instagram channel @Vistula insider where we keep posting about the events happening around Vistula.

Our Actions And Goals:
- To keep other students informed
- To publish university newspaper
- To practice journalism at the university
- Post about student life at the university
- Report about the current ongoing activities at universit
Soon going to publish newspaper around the university! Fingers crossed!
Our Actions And Goals:
- To keep other students informed
- To publish university newspaper
- To practice journalism at the university
- Post about student life at the university
- Report about the current o…

Club Manager: Piotr Kościński
Questions? Contact us!
E-mail: journalism.club@vistula.edu.pl
Instagram: vistulainsider
współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej

Akademia im. Aleksandra Gieysztora w Pułtusku
Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Hotelarstwa Vistula