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Important announcements

About Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is an EU youth programme for education, training and sports. The programme’s entire budget for 2014–2020 is EUR 14.7 billion. Erasmus+ builds upon the accomplishments of European education programmes of the last 25 years.

Erasmus now combines the European Commission’s initiatives from the years 2007–2013: “Lifelong Learning”, Youth in Action”, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, as well as a programme of collaboration with developed countries in higher education.

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Erasmus+ is an EU youth programme for education, training and sports. The programme’s entire budget for 2014–2020 is EUR 14.7 billion. Erasmus+ builds upon the accomplishments of European education…

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Basic data:

  • 4 million people participate in the programme, including 2 million students;
  • 800,000 lecturers, school and university teachers, trainers and youth workers will participate in employee mobility projects;
  • 25,000 strategic partnerships will connect 125,000 schools, vocational education and training institutions, institutions of higher and adult education, youth organisations and corporations;
  • 2,000 organisers of vocational education and training, as well as entrepreneurs, will forge 150 sector skills alliances;
  • 1,500 institutions of higher education and companies will forge 150 knowledge alliances.
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  • 4 million people participate in the programme, including 2 million students;
  • 800,000 lecturers, school and university teachers, trainers and youth workers will participate in employee mobility pro…
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Basic data:

Erasmus+ consists of the following elements:

  • Action 1 Educational mobility;

  • Action 2 Collaboration for the purpose of innovation and sharing best practices;

  • Action 3 Supporting policy reforms;

  • Jean Monnet Programme;

  • Sport – Erasmus+ will, for the first time in the history of EU education programmes, support sports-related initiatives.

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  • Action 1 Educational mobility;

  • Action 2 Collaboration for the purpose of innovation and sharing best practices;

  • Action 3 Supporting policy reforms;

  • Jean Monnet Programme;

  • Sport – Erasmus+…

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Erasmus+ consists of the following elements:

Erasmus+ countries are:

  • 28 member countries of the European Union;
  • EFTA/EEA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway;
  • Turkey, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Erasmus+ countries are:


Student mobility is:

  • students studying abroad in other programme countries – for between 3 and 12 months;
  • students doing internships abroad in other programme countries – for between 2 and 12 months;
  • graduates doing internships abroad in other programme countries – for between 2 and 12 months;

University employee mobility is:

  • free movement of academics, and visits by business and industry representatives for the purpose of teaching at universities in programme countries;
  • faculty and administrative staff visiting other universities, institutions, organisations and companies in other countries for training purposes.

Attachments to download

Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027 Vistula University
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 Vistula University

Important documents

Erasmus+ guide
Erasmus+ Student Charter


Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator

Jasurbek Babaev
tel.+48 22 45 72 368
e-mail: j.babaev@vistula.edu.pl

Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator

Mariia Chernichenko
e-mail: m.chernichenko@vistula.edu.pl

Take advantage of the Erasmus+ programme and spend part of your studies abroad.


Dear Students!

Applications for studies within the Erasmus+ Programme for the Summer Semester 2024/2025 are open. Application period: October 1 to October 20, 2024.

The following students are eligible for applying:

  • BA students currently enrolled in their second, third, or fourth semesters;
  • MA students currently enrolled in their first or second semesters.


The following are the criteria for selection for the Erasmus+ mobility programme:

  1. Competitive GPA (average grade) from all previous studies;
  2. Sufficient proficiency of English or the language of instruction at our partner University, confirmed by an appropriate language certificate (minimum B2 Level);
  3. First time applicants are given priority.

Additionally, students actively engaged in the University science clubs and/or social events are given preference.

Application forms with the appropriate language certificate (minimum B2 level English or another language of instruction at the partner University) should be sent by e-mail to: erasmus@vistula.edu.pl.

A student who does not possess an appropriate English language certificate (or Spanish, alternatively) can take an online TOEIC exam at our University at a reduced price of 120 PLN. We request students to indicate their willingness to participate in such a test when applying. The exam will be on October 18.

The universities to which the mobility is planned should be selected only from the list of partner universities which has been made available in the partner universities tab on our website.

Remember, do not contact the Dean’s Office to confirm your GPA (average grade) and do not fill in the field for GPA in the application form. Erasmus Office will obtain your GPA information from the Dean’s Office.

According to Rector’s ordinance, it is obligatory to use your email address at @stu.vistula.edu.pl domain.
We may not answer emails received from private email addresses.

All information regarding this issue can be found at USOS.

Step by step application


Consult your study programme with the Faculty Coordinator


Fill out an OLA form on Dashboard (by clicking: Access your Learning Agreement)

Sending Responsible Person – Erasmus Faculty Coordinator

Paper version of Learning Agreement is not accepted

Provide also:

  • letter of acceptance from the partner university with the dates of your mobility
  • bank account number in Euro;
  • copy of health insurance (e.g. the European Health Insurance Card) covering the period of your stay abroad;
  • copy of accident insurance (NNW) covering the period of your stay abroad

After delivering all documents, sign the financial agreement with the university.
Scholarship payment is made after signing this agreement. Settle the tuition fees at your home university (students are legally obliged to do so and, at the same time, they are exempted from tuition fees at the partner university).

Complete an obligatory language test online: you will receive a link to the test to the email address provided by you.
Before and after the mobility period, students are required to complete a language proficiency test. Meeting this obligation is a prerequisite for a positive validation of the mobility. Students for whom the language of study at a partner university is their mother tongue are exempt from the test. Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is available at: http://www.erasmusplusols.eu.


OLS – Online Linguistic Support

Online linguistic support presentation
Online linguistic support assessment presentation

Faculty Coordinators

Faculty Coordinators

As soon as you arrive, make sure that all courses you have chosen will be carried out.

  • If not, make changes to the Learning Agreement: fill out the section of the Learning Agreement study program, which refers to the period of study abroad: “During the Mobility”;
  • Any changes must be approved by your Academic Coordinator and sent to the Institutional Coordinator. After establishing the final study program, you are required to provide the Academic Coordinator with the syllabi of all your courses at the partner university, translated into Polish or English;
  • NOTE: you have 30 days from the date of your arrival at the partner university to make changes to the Learning Agreement.

Extension of the mobility

Would you like to stay longer? Apply for the extension of your mobility at the partner university before October 30/March 31, using the email address of the University Coordinator. Wait for a reply: the decision to extend your stay must be accepted by the Erasmus + Academic and Institutional Coordinators as well as by the partner university.

After obtaining approval to extend your stay:

  • provide all documents for the winter semester (the Learning Agreement with all sections signed and the Transcript of Records);
  • submit a scan of the Learning Agreement for the summer semester, accepted by the Academic Coordinator and the partner university to the e-mail address of the Institutional Coordinator;
  • provide the Letter of Acceptance for the summer semester;
  • send the insurance confirmation.

After completing your stay at a partner university, provide the following documents to your Erasmus + Program Office:

  • The Transcript of Records, issued and signed by the partner university – the original or a scan printout;
  • The approved and signed original of the Learning Agreement – all sections of the document must be duly signed. Lack of appropriate signatures on documents will result in their rejection;
  • Confirmation of the actual duration of the mobility (if the list of credits does not contain exact dates) – the original or a scan printout.


  • fill out the questionnaire of the National Agency; you will receive a link to the questionnaire sent automatically after completing your stay at a partner university;
  • complete the second language test online (OLS).

NOTE: you have 30 days from the date of ending your mobility at the partner university to complete the above.

How to receive funding?

Apply for the participation in the program. Students qualified for the Erasmus + program receive co-financing for the mobility according to rates set out by the European Union (see the appendix).

Sign the agreement. Scholarship payment is made after signing the financial agreement between the student and the university (the steps leading to signing the agreement are given it in the “Before the mobility” tab).

Take care of the documentation. Students must pay the tuition fees at the home university and do not pay tuition fees at the partner university. The mobility is validated after the student provides all reports and summaries and takes the language test again.

Scholarship amounts

Country groupMonthly rate for studies
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden670 €
Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal 670 €
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey 600 €


DistanceRate for “green travel”*Rate for standard travel
from 100 to 499 km285 €211 €
from 500 to 1999 km417 €309 €
from 2000 to 2999 km535 €395 €
from 3000 to 3999 km785 €580 €
from 4000 to 7999 km 1188 €1188 €
Green travel – travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling.

Decide where you want to go for Erasmus


Application form

Erasmus Charter

Erasmus charter for higher education 2021-2027 AFiB Vistula
Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2021-2027

Erasmus Code

Vistula University: PL WARSZAW78

Apply for the Erasmus+ Internships Programme for 2023/2024 Academic Year

Erasmus+ Internships Programme is a great opportunity to do an internship abroad to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Students independently find their workplaces for the planned internships, contact them and agree upon the conditions for the implementation of the internships. Please contact the Erasmus+ Office for information regarding internship destinations.

Recruitment is ongoing until all available places are filled.

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Students independently find their workplaces for the planned internships, contact them and agree upon the conditions for the implementation of the internships. Please contact the Erasmus+ Office fo…

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At the time of departure, the student should have completed:

  • 1st year of studies – first-cycle studies, third-cycle studies and uniform master’s studies,
  • 1 semester of studies – second-cycle studies

Recent graduates, i.e. graduates applying for internships in the last semester of studies, while having the status of (active) student, are also eligible for Erasmus + internships abroad. A graduate’s mobility must take place (start and end) within one year of graduation, and its duration is included in the total duration of mobility at the level of studies at which he/she was qualified for the mobility.

Basic criteria that will be taken into account when qualifying candidates:

  1. Good knowledge of the foreign language in which the student will carry out the internship (minimum level B1 or B2 depending on the requirements of the receiving organization.);
  2. Completed semester of studies prior to departure;

Additional points for active participation in research clubs, organizational activities for the benefit of the university or faculty.

Students applying for the first time have priority in the selection process.
Application forms (available below this page) with a certificate confirming the knowledge of the foreign language in which the internship will take place should be sent by e-mail to: erasmus@vistula.edu.pl

Students who do not have a certificate confirming their knowledge of English or Spanish at a minimum B1/B2 level will be able to take an internal exam organized at our University. We ask them to send their applications and confirm their willingness to take the exam by e-mail. They will be informed about the form of the exam and the date by the end of March.

Please remember that, in accordance with the Rector’s order, it is obligatory for the student to have an e-mail address in the @stu.vistula.edu.pl domain.

We may not reply to emails received from private email addresses.
All information on this subject has been provided in USOS.

How long can you stay abroad?

The students can stay abroad for a period of 2-12 months. However, the exact paid duration of your internship will be decided by Vistula University/Vistula School of Hospitality.

Erasmus+ scholarships for traineeships

Students can apply for Erasmus+ scholarships to cover their expenses during their traineeship periods. The scholarship amounts range from 750 to 820 EUR per month depending on the country. You can see more detailed information below. Scholarships are competitive and Vistula University has a limited number of scholarships based on the amount of grant provided by the Erasmus+ National Agency.

Scholarship amounts

Country groupMonthly rate for internships
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and also Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom820 €
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany Portugal, Italy820 €
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary750 €


For more information, please contact Jasurbek Babaev from the Erasmus+ Office:
Tel.+48 22 45 72 368,
e-mail: j.babaev@vistula.edu.pl,
Room: 321

Attachments to download

Rules for recruitment, financing and implementation of student internships (SMP) within the ERASMUS+ program in the Academic Zear 2023/2024 (in Polish)

Erasmus Codes
Vistula University: PL WARSZAW78

Spend your study abroad at Vistula Group of Universities! Live in one of the most vibrant Central and Eastern European cities, Warsaw – the capital of Poland.

Please be advised that first you must be nominated by your home university by email to erasmus@vistula.edu.pl. 

Nomination deadlines:

Winter Semester: May 31

Summer Semester: October 30

Once you receive a confirmation of your nomination, you can apply. An explanation regarding the online application will be emailed to you.

Application deadlines:

Winter Semester: June 30

Summer Semester: November 30

Vistula Group of Universities Fact Sheet Fall 2024/2025

To apply, please use our online application system.

As a student, you are required to upload the following documents into the online system:

  • •A recent photo (35×45 mm)
  • •ID card (for the EU citizens) and passport for non-EU citizens
  • •Learning Agreement signed by the student and the Academic Coordinator of the Home University
  • •Proof of language proficiency (English or Polish). The level of language should be in line with the general requirements stipulated by the Erasmus+ bilateral agreement.
  • •Health insurance proof

Attention! Keep your online application login information. You will need it to access the online system when you arrive in Poland.

Vistula Group of Universities Fact Sheet

Vistula University does not offer campus lodgings, but our International Office will assist all international and exchange students in finding proper accommodation.

It is possible to rent a studio or a room in a shared student flat or a room in a house/flat occupied by its owners.

Our university recommends students to take the first option, as in the second one student should be ready to conform to the landlords’ conditions. Before signing the contract it is advisable to ask about the all details concerning your life in the house.

Living in a student flat is likely to be less complicated. Depending on a situation – there could be single, double or even multi-bedded rooms. Before taking the decision you should always see your future flat. Do not rent a flat without checking it first.

The sooner you start looking for your accommodation, the better. You can use the internet, local papers or you can find information on “the announcement boards” situated at Vistula University.

The cost of accommodation for one person ranges from 150 to 500 Euro per month (depending on the quantity of places in the room/ apartment).

Please, contact the Vistula University Erasmus Office for detailed information regarding accommodation.

As a student, you should ensure that you have insurance which covers your entire stay in Poland.

Local Grade ECTS Grade Explanation

  • 5   A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only minor errors
  • 4+ B VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors
  • 4   C GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors
  • 3+ D SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
  • 3   E SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria
  • 2   FX/F FAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded

Attachments to download

Academic Calendar 2021/2022
Academic Planner Application

You can download Academic Planner App here: http://bityl.pl/ZX0lb

Erasmus Codes
Vistula University: PL WARSZAW78

Partner universities

Vistula University – Erasmus+ – Partner Universities
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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