Student affairs
Job offers, practices, internships
Looking for internship or ob offers? Check out E-Career!
We created it for:
- students and graduates,
- employers
- lecturers.

It consists of four parts:
After creating an account on the portal, the users can post information about themselves and gain access to a personalized offer.
Students can create a CV using the CV wizard available on the portal and prepare their own professional profile.
General informations
Each VGU student has an automatically assigned test assessing the level of the 5 most marketable soft competences (regardless of her/his field and profession):
- communication skills,
- teamwork,
- entrepreneurial thinking,
- influencing,
- innovation and flexibility.
After completing the test, the student receives a report in which s/he can find an identified individual level of competence, a comparison of this level with the level expected on the labour market, as well as development and literature guidelines showing the possibilities for raising a given competence from the achieved to the optimal level.
In addition, each student can make an appointment with a career advisor and receive individual support in this respect. Students can also assess other competences, already individually assigned to their account by a career advisor, in accordance with their needs and expectations.
Employers place their business cards and job offers. These offers are available on the e-Career home page as well as on individual student accounts, however, individual accounts contain only individual offers filtered according to the industry sectors of that the student is interested in and which s/he marked during registration.
Applying for a job in response to selected offers is extremely simple: your CV created in the creator, an offer on the portal and just click Send…
CVs have a chance to have a distinguishing characteristic in the form of results of competence tests. Competences are the basis of recruitment, and a student who has done a competency test not only has identified them but also shows his awareness of the importance of their development.
The Development Database provides information on recommended training offers – both external and those conducted at the University – as well as articles and links to interesting films and lectures providing students with knowledge about strategies and methods of revealing and enriching their individual potential as well as helping them improve and develop their competences. It also contains information on other issues related to self-realization, the achievement of success, active operation on the labour market and maintaining a proper work-personal life balance.
Lecturers, additionally receive a tool helping them to create a variety of surveys – both those related to the teaching and research process.
Such a combination of user groups provides a unique chance of creating a shared e-community. that facilitates preparation for, and functioning in the labour market.
E-Career helps students to verify their level of competence, find their feet on the labour market, as well as contact employers.
It also facilitates employers’ contact with the university, i.e. students who have the necessary competences, but also with lecturers.
Cooperation between lecturers and employers opens up an opportunity for new educational programmes tailored to the needs of the market, with full awareness of the necessity to highlight the academic dimension of education.
1 / Assessment of competences expected on the labour market – both at the beginning and at the end of studies, which allows analysing the effectiveness of education in the area of competence improvement and development.
2 / Support in building individual development paths – in a form that suits you best: these can include:
– individual meetings with a career advisor;
– e-mail contact with an advisor facilitating the interpretation of the test results;
– development guidelines for planning competence improvement, for which the starting point is the result obtained in the test;
– literature suggestions for those interested in broadening knowledge about competences and their development;
– indication of the training offer tailored to the level of competence specified by the test;
– thematic articles;
– links to films and lectures on issues related to the development of competences
3 / Support in building individual career paths:
– thanks to the competence test you can consciously plan their development;
– a conversation with an advisor will help you draw up and implement an individual professional development plan;
– just as information contained in the Development Database;
– e-Career profile will help you appear on the e-labour market;
– it will facilitate your contacts with employers.
4 / Information on the labour market – the portal provides current information on the shaping, changes and expectations of the labour market as well as various types of thematic reports and analyses.
5 / Facilitated contact with potential employers – because they are also users of e-Careers, they post job offers here, and you can easily send them the CV created here.
6 / Possibility to create a CV – e-Career has its own CV creator with three templates to choose from.
7 / Developing your own profile – similar to industry portals: e-Career is simply a type of a university
8 / Making an appearance in the VGU e-community – your account will be active even after you graduate, you will have easier contact with other graduates and students of subsequent years. It will also be possible to track the fate of graduates because this function is already provided by the Portal. You can present your own story there as well… Together, we can write a story of success!
9 / Possibility to participate in internships – you will always find here current information on the availability of internships for specific fields of study
10 / You will be up to date with all matters related to your own development and the labour market!
Processing of your personal data
Do you apply for a job? If you are sending an application to a Polish company, always make sure that it includes your written consent to the processing of your personal data according to RODO law (GDPR law).
Otherwise, the recruiters will not be legally permitted to process your application.
You should add this to the bottom of your CV.
Vistula School of Hospitality