Architecture and New Media Student Club

About us
Architecture Club is a club of interest where several activities helps students to approach architecture in way complementary to formal university courses. It allows students from different groups and years to come together, meet each other, study, visit and have some fun with friends form the Vistula University, interested in architecture and urban planning. The events may range from trips, guided walks and visits, through more scientific study cases elaboration, project exhibition of competition preparation and participation to simply integrational events. Students can have an initiative, proposing events for themselves. Following the situation, events are on-line and on-site. We invite you to participate in our projects and events!
Our goals and tasks
- Creation of a field of knowledge and skills exchange, as well as integration of participants in project
activities, - Development of practical skills in the use of new media in architectural design.
- Study both: historical and contemporary Polish and European architecture.
- Conducting scientific research and artistic activity, plus the organisation of scientific sessions,
- Organzing meetings, workshops,
- Participation in architectural contests.
- Popularization of the effects of the club’s activities, among faculty and university students.
Projects and achievements (2019)
- Team participation in the nationwide architectural competition: “KOŁO 2019” and the submission of 5 projects,
- Tour and history lesson about Warsaw at the Warsaw Uprising Museum.
- International Landscape Architecture Competition: International Garden Festival at Ponte de Lima in Portugal 2019
During he workshops students – participants of the competition were preparing the executive project under the supervision of 2 professional landscape engineers – Joanna Krasucka and Zuzana Bartman. The projects was send to Portugal (organiser of the competition) and awaits realisation in few months.
In the first part 5 tutors (4 students and supervisor of the club) presented free-to-participate tutorials (about 6 hrs in total) in which about 32 students participated.
In the second part student-tutors, student- organisers and students-winners of competition were granted an advanced tutorial provided by a professional tutor (Anna Stefańska, PhD) as a reward for their commitment.
Club Manager: Joanna Koszewska
Questions? Contact us!