Institute of Research in the discipline of Management and Quality Sciences
The Institute is headed by Prof. Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD.
The Institute’s team consists of a large group of colleagues from business practice, experts, and specialists in various fields of management. The variety of experience of the Institute’s employees translates into their research interests, which are reflected in scientific publications, participation in conferences, along with applications for scientific grants.
The Institute conducts scientific research on broadly understood management issues. The research aims to develop new management concepts, methods, techniques, and tools, to meet the managerial requirements related to the management of organisations in the era of globalisation, technological and demographic changes, and the pursuit of sustainable development of the economy and society.
The research of the Institute’s employees focuses on the following management areas: human capital management in business and public administration; project management in public institutions; conditions for the implementation of new technologies (including mobile media) for the implementation of business ventures and shaping entrepreneurial attitudes; management talents in multi-cultural organisations; shaping social capital in organisations – investing in social capital, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development of the organisation; and conditions of social and business relations within the organisation and between organisations – inter-organisational co-operation networks.
The leading theme of the research of the Institute in 2019, was: ‘Theoretical and practical aspects of managing business organisations in the era of globalisation and the technical revolution 4.0’.

Key research problems are:
- Management of social networks inside and outside organisations. Managing the hidden business potential of an organisation. (E. Jędrych and the Institute’s staff team).
- Analysis of the competences of the future in a knowledge-based economy. Holistic development of social and digital competences in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. (M. Plebańska).
- Competency model of student education in the context of changes in the labour market. (A. Rękawek).
- Sustainability reporting from the perspective of various industries. (J. Berniak-Woźny).
- Enterprise innovation – quality trends. (E. Kopciuszewska).
- Adaptation of Korean brands marketing strategies to conditions in Poland. Relations with trade unions of Korean enterprises in Poland. Competitiveness of the national market for Korean investments in the EU. (K. Nowakowski).
- Applications of artificial intelligence in business. Construction and testing of country-specific measures of economic uncertainty. Application of text mining to verification of the quality of the university accreditation process in Poland, Russia, and Kazakhstan. A machine learning framework for automated analysis of formal and informal central bank communication in Poland and Russia. (K. Rybiński).
- Research on the correlation of agility, intellectual capital, and inter-organisational management in a group of 200 enterprises in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. (Z. Olesiński)
- Analysis of the expectations of employees from generation ‘Y’ towards recruitment and functioning in a changing business environment. (M. Kaczkowska-Serafińska)
- Analysis of the impact of social media on social and economic changes. Assessment of the functioning of ICT systems in the Polish banking sector. Development prospects for the creative sector in Poland. (A. Kwasek).
- Theory of co-operative games. Business Ethics. Financial engineering. Teamwork: Prof. Fr. Cabo (Spain), G. Rządkowski, M. Sidor-Rzadkowska, L. Zaremba.
The following conferences have recently been held under the aegis of the Institute:
- National Scientific Conference organised in co-operation with the Poznań University of Economics on: ‘Social Capital and Trust in Business’ (2018);
- National Scientific Conference on the challenges of education: ‘Strategic goals of education. Where are we? Where are we headed?’ The conference began a series of debates on education strategies in Poland (2017);
- National conference: ‘Education of the 21st Century – Problems and Challenges’ (2016);
- Conference: ‘Economic and financial disturbances in Europe and the world, in the second decade of the 21st century’ (2016);
- International conference: ‘Intellectual capital of knowledge workers 65 plus, and the possibilities of its use’ (2016).
Vistula School of Hospitality