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Business & Education Program – Procter & Gamble

An extremely interesting meeting with a representative of Procter & Gamble began the workshops as part of the Business & Education program. The project provides students of Vistula University with the opportunity to establish valuable contacts with leading companies in the business world.

Procter & Gamble (P&G) is the world’s largest consumer goods company. The workshops with its representatives were held under the slogan “Procter & Gamble’s supply network: unlimited career opportunities in one company.”

During the classes, students got to know the intricacies of the P&G supply network. They gained knowledge about the company’s innovation strategy, product development processes and a rigorous approach to ensuring their quality. They had the opportunity to find out about innovative production processes, the company’s purchasing strategy and its relationships with suppliers.

Additionally, students gained valuable information about a variety of career opportunities at P&G. They received comprehensive information about internships, job placements, recruitment processes, specialized training programs, career development prospects, employee benefits and the unique corporate culture that defines P&G.

It was an extremely interesting session. We would like to thank Elena Vedinyapina and Khaled Ahmad as well as their teams from P&G for providing an engaging and informative presentation.

At the same time, we encourage you to participate in subsequent workshops as part of the Business & Education program. On October the 16th the guests will be experts from J.P. Morgan, a world leader in banking and finance.

This is an opportunity to establish valuable contacts and gain practical knowledge.

More information about Bussines & Education program: https://vistula.edu.pl/en/news/business-education-take-part-in-classes-conducted-by-representatives-of-business-giants

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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