For the media

Our Experts
prof. Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD
- HR management,
- organization management improvement,
- human capital investment,
- social innovations in organizations,
- shaping social relations in organizations,
- conditions for the absorption of personnel innovations.
prof. Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD
- HR management,
- organization management improvement,
- human capital investment,
- social innovations in organizations,
- shaping social relations in …

prof. Marta Götz, PhD
- Foreign Direct Investment,
- clusters,
- grounded theory methodology (GTM),
- internationalization,
- competitiveness.
prof. Marta Götz, PhD
- Foreign Direct Investment,
- clusters,
- grounded theory methodology (GTM),
- internationalization,
- competitiveness.

prof. Zbigniew Zimny, PhD
- transnational corporations,
- Foreign Direct Investment,
- globalization,
- international trade,
- regional integration processes,
- economic development.
prof. Zbigniew Zimny, PhD
- transnational corporations,
- Foreign Direct Investment,
- globalization,
- international trade,
- regional integration processes,
- economic development.

prof. Witold Orłowski, PhD
- macroeconomics and econometrics,
- economic transformation issues,
- world economy,
- the European Union economy.
prof. Witold Orłowski, PhD
- macroeconomics and econometrics,
- economic transformation issues,
- world economy,
- the European Union economy.

prof. Wojciech Charemza, PhD
- financial econometrics,
- econometric simulations,
- forecasting,
- inflation modelling,
- economic models of the Central and Eastern Europe countries.
prof. Wojciech Charemza, PhD
- financial econometrics,
- econometric simulations,
- forecasting,
- inflation modelling,
- economic models of the Central and Eastern Europe countri…

Tom Hashimoto, PhD
- international economic relations,
- reforms of financial institutions,
- development of post-socialist economies,
- economic policy of the European Union.
Tom Hashimoto, PhD
- international economic relations,
- reforms of financial institutions,
- development of post-socialist economies,
- economic policy of the European Union.

prof. Juliusz Kotyński, PhD
- Polish foreign trade,
- International Economic Relations,
- economic forecasts,
- economies of the EU, USA, Japan, and emerging economies,
- international economic and financial integration.
prof. Juliusz Kotyński, PhD
- Polish foreign trade,
- International Economic Relations,
- economic forecasts,
- economies of the EU, USA, Japan, and emerging economies,
- interna…

Magdalena Rybicka
- Old and New Silk Road,
- Polish-Asian economic ties,
- the economy of India, China and the Middle East,
- development of megacities and smart cities,
- innovation and technological development.
Magdalena Rybicka
- Old and New Silk Road,
- Polish-Asian economic ties,
- the economy of India, China and the Middle East,
- development of megacities and smart cities,
- innovati…

Piotr Borowski, PhD
- enterprise management in the energy sector,
- zero-emission economy,
- green innovation solutions,
- renewable energy sources.
Piotr Borowski, PhD
- enterprise management in the energy sector,
- zero-emission economy,
- green innovation solutions,
- renewable energy sources.

Grzegorz Mathea, PhD
Vice-Rector for Education Quality
- Politics of Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland;
- Brexit and its consequences;
- Poles in British Isles;
- British monarchy;
- History of British Empire;
- Conflict and peace process in Northern Ireland;
- International terrorism;
- History of wars and armed conflicts.
Grzegorz Mathea, PhD
Vice-Rector for Education Quality
- Politics of Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland;
- Brexit and its consequences;
- Poles in British Isles;
- British m…

Bartłomiej E. Nowak, PhD
- global management,
- international organizations,
- global political economy,
- international relations ethics.

Małgorzata Bonikowska, PhD
- international relations,
- European Union,
- communication in public institutions.

Karolina Zielińska, PhD
- international relations in the Middle East
- State of Israel: internal and international situation
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Karolina Zielińska, PhD
- international relations in the Middle East
- State of Israel: internal and international situation
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict

prof. Sebastian Płóciennik, PhD
- economic systems,
- institutional economics,
- the economy of Germany,
- economic integration,
- European Union.
prof. Sebastian Płóciennik, PhD
- economic systems,
- institutional economics,
- the economy of Germany,
- economic integration,
- European Union.

Zdzisław Rapacki, PhD
- international relations and diplomacy,
- Politics of Georgia,
- Politics of Japan,
- globalization,
- financial and economic crisis, disarmament and elimination of chemical weapons.
Zdzisław Rapacki, PhD
- international relations and diplomacy,
- Politics of Georgia,
- Politics of Japan,
- globalization,
- financial and economic crisis, disarmament and eliminat…

Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski
Rector of Vistula University
- political systems,
- party systems,
- modern history,
- history of European nationalisms,
- history and political system of Ireland.
Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski
Rector of Vistula University
- political systems,
- party systems,
- modern history,
- history of European nationalisms,
- history and political system of…

Agnieszka Legucka, PhD
- foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation,
- disinformation and hybrid threats,
- analysis of armed conflicts in the post-Soviet area,
- problems of US/NATO/EU relations with eastern states,
- Polish eastern policy.
Agnieszka Legucka, PhD
- foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation,
- disinformation and hybrid threats,
- analysis of armed conflicts in the post-Soviet area,
- probl…

Agata Włodkowska, PhD
- strategic studies,
- political sociology,
- Polish foreign policy,
- foreign policy of the Russian Federation,
- international relations in Eurasia,
- theory of international relations,
- gender issues in international relations.
Agata Włodkowska, PhD
- strategic studies,
- political sociology,
- Polish foreign policy,
- foreign policy of the Russian Federation,
- international relations in Eurasia,
- theor…

Piotr Kościński, PhD
- Ukraine,
- media history,
- media of the former soviet republics,
- social communication in the former USSR.
Piotr Kościński, PhD
- Ukraine,
- media history,
- media of the former soviet republics,
- social communication in the former USSR.

Marcin Antosiewicz
- policy of the Federal Republic of Germany,
- European Union,
- populism of political parties,
- public communication.
Marcin Antosiewicz
- policy of the Federal Republic of Germany,
- European Union,
- populism of political parties,
- public communication.

Anna Wiśniewska, PhD
- medical tourism,
- organization, management and marketing in medical tourism,
- development of the environment of medical and tourist enterprises.
Anna Wiśniewska, PhD
- medical tourism,
- organization, management and marketing in medical tourism,
- development of the environment of medical and tourist enterprises.

Barbara Karlikowska, BEng, PhD
- small and medium-sized enterprises – establishing and financing,
- financial and non-financial reporting,
- Corporate Social Responsibility, settlements and costs, business operation conditions.
Barbara Karlikowska, BEng, PhD
- small and medium-sized enterprises – establishing and financing,
- financial and non-financial reporting,
- Corporate Social Responsibility…

Elżbieta Kopciuszewska, PhD
- development of quality management systems, quality level assessment, computer simulations for process optimization, modelling, forecasts,
- implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the integrated management systems functioning, implementation of the IT system in management,
- management through quality (TQM), management aspects of motivation, commitment, continuous improvement and social responsibility,
- value of intellectual capital in quality management, personnel strategy, competitive advantage based on the quality of human capital, benefits of improving the quality of human capital, organizational effectiveness, innovation, international position of the economy,
- process management in the enterprise, process approach, Business Process Reengineering,
- improvement methods and tools – practical benefits of using tools.
Elżbieta Kopciuszewska, PhD
- development of quality management systems, quality level assessment, computer simulations for process optimization, modelling, forecasts,…

Magdalena Kaczkowska-Serafińska, PhD
- employee satisfaction and commitment, generation Y, management styles,
- incentive and employee evaluation systems,
- creating career paths,
- the specifics of the labour market in Italy.
Magdalena Kaczkowska-Serafińska, PhD
- employee satisfaction and commitment, generation Y, management styles,
- incentive and employee evaluation systems,
- creat…

prof. Marlena Plebańska, PhD
- e-administration,
- new technologies
- knowledge management,
- project management,
- digital skills.

prof. Krzysztof Rybiński, PhD
- data science,
- machine learning,
- big data,
- artificial intelligence,
- quantitative text analysis,
- use of artificial intelligence models in solving economic and business problems,
- new technological trends.
prof. Krzysztof Rybiński, PhD
- data science,
- machine learning,
- big data,
- artificial intelligence,
- quantitative text analysis,
- use of artificial intelligence models in solv…

Marta Kozak-Gołębiowska
- interpersonal communication,
- intercultural communication,
- educational technologies,
- online learning.
Marta Kozak-Gołębiowska
- interpersonal communication,
- intercultural communication,
- educational technologies,
- online learning.

prof. Radosław Lolo, PhD
- modern history of Poland,
- political and military history of the 17th century, with particular emphasis on the diplomatic relations of the First Polish Republic with the countries of Western Europe,
- history of Mazovia in the modern era.
prof. Radosław Lolo, PhD
- modern history of Poland,
- political and military history of the 17th century, with particular emphasis on the diplomatic relations of the First Poli…

prof. Zbigniew Romek, PhD
- history and contemporary politics and society,
- freedom of speech and its limitations,
- censorship in the Polish People’s Republic,
- socio-political thought of the 20th and 21st centuries,
- Russia in the past and nowadays.
prof. Zbigniew Romek, PhD
- history and contemporary politics and society,
- freedom of speech and its limitations,
- censorship in the Polish People’s Republic,
- socio-political …

prof. Tadeusz Bartoś, PhD
- modern theories of culture,
- history of the influence of religious, philosophical and political ideas.
prof. Tadeusz Bartoś, PhD
- modern theories of culture,
- history of the influence of religious, philosophical and political ideas.

Krzysztof Celuch, PhD
Rector of Vistula School of Hospitality
- meetings industry,
- tourism,
- destinations marketing,
- associations and organizations in sport and recreation,
- incentive travel.
Krzysztof Celuch, PhD
Rector of Vistula School of Hospitality
- meetings industry,
- tourism,
- destinations marketing,
- associations and organizations in sport and recreation,
- i…

Piotr Kociszewski, PhD
Acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- tourist services market,
- functioning of tourist enterprises, especially travel agencies,
- staff in tourism – pilots and guides,
- tourist geography of Poland and Europe,
- tourism marketing,
- tourism policy,
- demands of various tourism participants – especially of grey tourism.
Piotr Kociszewski, PhD
Acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- tourist services market,
- functioning of tourist enterprises, especially …

dr hab. Teresa Skalska
Vistula School of Hospitality, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- economic factors for the tourism market development,
- tourist demand,
- impact of tourism on the economy,
- social aspects of tourism in the context of sustainable development.
dr hab. Teresa Skalska
Vistula School of Hospitality, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- economic factors for the tourism market development,
- touris…

Kazimierz Waluch, PhD
Vistula School of Hospitality
- sport and tourism,
- raising the qualifications of the tourism industry employees,
- the impact of major sports events on tourism,
- financing sports events.
Kazimierz Waluch, PhD
Vistula School of Hospitality
- sport and tourism,
- raising the qualifications of the tourism industry employees,
- the impact of major sports events on to…

Katarzyna Błaszczyk, PhD
- dietetics,
- nutrition for children and infants,
- nutrition of pregnant and lactating women,
- plant-based diets,
- psychodietetics.
Katarzyna Błaszczyk, PhD
- dietetics,
- nutrition for children and infants,
- nutrition of pregnant and lactating women,
- plant-based diets,
- psychodietetics.

Attachments to download
Bogna Wojciechowska
PR Manager
Vistula University
phone: 506 195 376
Vistula School of Hospitality