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Michał Gołębiewski, MSc

Michał Gołębiewski, MSc
e-mail: m.golebiewski@vistula.edu.pl
Faculty: Art, Technique and Communication
Field of study: Architecture

Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw Technical University, since 2021 PhD in the field of engineering-technical sciences. He conducts studies in the field of the application of material-construction techniques of lower environmental impact and pro-ecological solutions in architecture. Author and co-author of scientific publications and presentations at national and international conferences. Lecturer at Warsaw Technical University and Vistula University. He cooperates with Gdansk Technical University. He completed didactic internship at Victoria University in Wellington. He gives courses in construction physics and construction as well as in subjects linked to problems of sustained development and designing of energy-efficient buildings.

Teaching/research interests: 

  • construction physics;
  • technologies of natural construction;
  • pro-ecological architecture.
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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