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BEng, PhD Ernest Brzozowski

BEng, PhD Ernest Brzozowski
Faculty:Art, Technology and Communication
Field of Study:Computer Engineering

Holder of a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering since 2012. Graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology (2001). Head of the Piezoelectronics Department at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology in Warsaw (2001-2018), former employee of the Institute of Electron Technology (2018-2019), from 2020 an employee of the Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics.

His scientific activity comprises development of the design and technology of power transistors based on gallium nitride and silicon carbide substrates. In addition, he conducts research on new piezoelectric crystals aimed at their applications in components and sensors with ultrasonic waves.

Author of 18 scientific publications in foreign and domestic journals and holder of 2 patents.

Areas of didactic/scientific interests:

  • Theory of electric circuits;
  • Designing electronic circuits;
  • Measurements of electrical quantities;
  • Software for measurement systems.
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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