Slow-life trend

Jamie Oliver, a famous British chef, author of culinary books and TV programs, has been involved in fighting obesity among children and adolescents for years. He promotes good, healthy nutrition and exercise, i.e., slow-life. At the same time, he admits that there is no complete ban on fast-food in his house. “I am a responsible father,” Oliver recently told a BBC journalist. “Snacks, biscuits and chocolates are in our house, but as a snack. Then there is a feast,”- he added.
Good dieteticians are worth their weight in gold. Where to study?
The culinary blogosphere has been growing in strength for several years. The Internet gives you unlimited possibilities. You can learn to cook from the best from YouTube videos! A good chef can be a guide in discovering new flavours, but it is not a substitute for a qualified dietitian who sets the direction of healthy eating with reliable, interdisciplinary knowledge.
A dietitian today is in demand and urgently needed. Dietetics study programs at the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management (now the Vistula School of Hospitality) educate the best dieticians. There are great challenges and fantastic prospects for graduates – especially in the fitness and wellness industry.
Read lessGood dieteticians are worth their weight in gold. Where to study?
The culinary blogosphere has been growing in strength for several years. The Internet gives you unlimited possibilities. You can le…

The diet takes away kilograms and adds years of life
Poles eat too much. The obesity epidemic is spreading – every fourth child is overweight or obese. It is even worse among adults – more than half of them have excess body weight.
Sometimes our genes are responsible for that. Even 100 genes affect the appetite, the amount of food we want to eat and the way we burn calories. Scientists are already trying to repair genes. They are testing a revolutionary CRISPR gene editing method, but this is just the beginning.
Read lessThe diet takes away kilograms and adds years of life
Poles eat too much. The obesity epidemic is spreading – every fourth child is overweight or obese. It is even worse among adults – more than hal…

We still put too much on our plates and do not care about food quality. Many eat highly processed foods, which not only cause obesity, but also ruin their health. High-risk products include:
1. sweet or spicy packaged snacks, including chips
2. bars and sweets
3. carbonated and sweetened drinks
4. instant meals
5. fast food
6. food products mainly or exclusively made from sugar, fats and refined flour
Obesity is the cause of cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes and cancer. A recent study by British scientists suggests that 38% of cancer cases per year could have been avoided if people had kept the normal weight. It is ideal when we feel hungry. Scientists have proven that then the SIR proteins, which are the elixir of youth, are activated.
We’re changing life for the better
Every third Pole admits that he or she is on a diet. However, there is no universal diet for everyone. For a diet to be healthy, it must be tailored to our needs. This is what we teach here. Dietetics is an extremely exciting field that is constantly developing. Innovations are introduced, and new dietary therapies are emerging. We try to reduce the risk of many diseases that are directly related to nutrition with an appropriate diet. The dietitian is learning all the time. All this to help people change their lives for the better. It is a demanding task, but also a great satisfaction.
Read lessWe’re changing life for the better
Every third Pole admits that he or she is on a diet. However, there is no universal diet for everyone. For a diet to be healthy, it must be tailored to our needs….

Move on or you’ll get rusty
A good, balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. “For health, beauty and well-being, you also need exercise” – emphasizes Joanna Kalecińska, PhD from the Department of Tourism and Recreation. “The more physical activity, the more benefits for our body,” she adds.
Physical activity is essential because it:
- burns fat
- protects the heart and circulatory system – prevents strokes and high blood pressure
- supports metabolism – prevents diabetes and obesity
- strengthens bones and muscles
- stimulates the brain – we think faster and learn more easily
- strengthens the immune system – we get ill less often
- reduces the risk of certain cancers – breast and colon cancer
- lifts the spirit and reduces the risk of depression
Physical activity is essential because it:
- burns fat
- protects the heart and circulatory system – prevents strokes and high blood pressure
- supports metabolism – prevents diabetes and obesity
- streng…

Everyone should be physically active, regardless of age
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a recommendation on physical activity for specific age groups:
- children and adolescents should have min. 60 min. of moderate physical activity daily
- adults – at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity throughout the week.
Everyone should be physically active, regardless of age
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a recommendation on physical activity for specific age groups:
- children and adolescents shou…

Physical activity improves the quality of our life and can significantly extend lifetime.
Tourism and recreation – a healthy lifestyle trend
Fortunately, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is flourishing. More and more Poles do sports and travel. “The tourism and recreation industry is growing and it requires new, highly qualified staff” – says Kalecińska, PhD. It is a great adventure and challenge for dynamic and creative people who fear no challenges.
Dietetics, Tourism and Recreation – about studies:
Vistula School of Hospitality