Home / News / Will artificial intelligence revolutionise the assessment of the quality of classes in universities?

Will artificial intelligence revolutionise the assessment of the quality of classes in universities?

Mózg, procesor, technologia

Vistula University has just probably initiated a global trend of using artificial intelligence, in assessing the quality of classes conducted at universities. The world’s first implementation of such a system is currently underway at Vistula. It has been developed by our outstanding scientists – Prof. Krzysztof Rybiński and Elżbieta Kopciuszewska, PhD.

Many international studies have shown that the commonly used numerical assessments of the quality of classes, usually on a scale of 1-5, provide unbelievable results, and are contested by lecturers. The new evaluation model uses textual information, in which students evaluate classes and lecturers, in the form of verbal narratives. The developed model of artificial intelligence is able to understand these texts, determine whether the course / lecturer was rated high or low, and what was the degree of difficulty of the course.

The authors of the system expect that the use of artificial intelligence will allow for the elimination of many shortcomings of the traditional evaluation method, such as low grades for difficult subjects. At the same time, they emphasise that they are aware that the use of AI to evaluate teaching staff may be controversial. Therefore, within a few months, a report will be published, describing the results of this implementation, with particular emphasis on the ethical aspects of AI operations.

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