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Who is man?

The condition of today’s world, directions of its development, challenges and threats facing people and ideas that shape our reality – these are the topics that will be discussed by participants of the New Enlightenment Festival. The event, which will take place on October 21-28, is organized by the Ursynów Cultural Center “Alternatives”. Vistula University is the festival’s partner.

The event program includes lectures, discussions, workshops, theater performances, film screenings, concerts and exhibitions. On the one hand, the festival refers to the achievements of the Enlightenment, on which modern reality is founded. On the other hand, it is future-oriented and emphasizes the need to defend the achievements of the era of rationalism.

This year’s edition of the New Enlightenment Festival will feature experts from various fields who will try to answer the question of how people can find their way in the new reality. After all, we have realized that we are not the masters of the world. It is becoming clear to all if we want to survive, we must give voice not only to animals and plants, but also to machines, which cease to be elements of the utilitarian sphere and become actors interacting with us.

The New Enlightenment Festival is a series of exciting meetings with outstanding artists and scientists, music and art events, and an opportunity for intergenerational integration. The guests include: Andrzej Turski, Adam Michnik, Adam Rotfeld and Fr. Wojciech Lemański. In the panel titled Here and now, but what after that? The unbearable challenges of Homo sapiens in the Anthropocene era will be attended by experts from Vistula University.

  • Proffesor Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD – presenter – Natural resources as instruments of political supremacy of Homo sapiens;
  • Zdzisław Rapacki, PhD – Necessary changes in the sphere of international security;
  • Gen. Marek Dukaczewski – Artificial intelligence – opportunities and threats;
  • Proffesor Agata Włodkowska, PhD – Women and their rights;
  • Proffesor Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD – Current management of capital and labor, or the end of the world of work as we know it.

The epoch in which our species exists – known as the Anthropocene – is a warning to us against its consequences – says Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Rector of Vistula University. – We are caught up in an almost reverential attitude towards hyper-progress, becoming addicted to its inventions and believing that we will always be able to cope with the threats. Nothing could be further from the truth if we recall the forecasts of Stanisław Lem, Umberto Eco, or Stephen Hawking – emphasizes Professor Konarski. He explains that during the panel, participants will address several challenges we face, related both to inventions, which are essentially unpredictable as regards their effects, and to the status of selected groups of people. The epoch called the Anthropocene is the common denominator of the debate here.

We cordially invite you!

Ursynów Cultural Center “Alternatives”

Indiry Ghandi 9, Warsaw

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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