Viva FEMINAE debate series! Or how to build capital through agreement

Join the debate Equality and Equal opportunities – what you should know and why it is worth knowing the differences. Trends and evolution of the labour market. The event is organized by the Institute of Research in the discipline of Political Science and Administration, International Relations program, and the Vox Feminae Institute. It will take place on March 20 at 10:00 in auditorium A7.
March is Women’s Month and that is why, it is in March that we start a series of Viva Feminae meetings! Come and learn more about equal treatment in the workplace, stereotypes, and ways to overcome barriers.
Together with our guests, we will talk about how to work towards ensuring equal opportunities at work, how equal opportunities translate into the economic situation of the country and how to build a culture supporting equal opportunities. Our guests are:
• Andrzej Kubisiak – vice-director of the Polish Economic Institute, responsible for the area of the labour market at the Polish Economic Institute. Previously, member of the Labour Market Council operating at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, then Director of the Analysis and Communication Team, responsible for, among others, developing periodic market reports on migration processes and key trends in the labour market for a leading HR company in Central and Eastern Europe.
• Rafał Sekuła – HR director of Emitel SA – practitioner with over 20 years of professional experience, managing the HR area in large business organizations (including TP S.A., PKN ORLEN S.A., BRW S.A., FAMUR S.A., PGL S.A., lawyer and economist, certified ICC coach, specialist in changing organizational culture, with expert knowledge and knowledge of trends in the HR area and extensive experience in relations with trade unions.
• Joanna Łukiewicz – project manager at National Westminster Bank Group with over 15 years of experience in the international financial sector, leading technological projects that focus on building a culture of cooperation and trust, leader of the Employee Network of Women at NatWest Polska. She passionately pursues the mission of building a workplace that fosters diversity in many aspects, especially in the context of gender. For several years, she has been a mentor in both internal and external programs, such as IT for She.
• Magdalena Grzankowska – president of the Management Board of the PFR Foundation, social activist with many years of experience in running projects in the area of event marketing, HR and CSR. She worked in the HR industry for 6 years, coordinating projects financed by the European Social Fund. Since 2019, she has been involved in the sponsoring activities of the Polish Development Fund and now she manages the PFR Foundation team. Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw, in the Social Policy program, and postgraduate studies in the field of EU Funds in Krakow, Labor Law at the University of Warsaw and Executive MBA at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences. Privately, she is a mother of two preschoolers, loves to dance and travel.
• Aneta Kiełczewska – socio-economic researcher at the Polish Economic Institute, author of analyses, reports and scientific articles. She has been dealing with, among others: topics of the labor market, family policy, social attitudes, the issues of interpenetration of professional and private life and the impact of parenthood on the professional situation. She is also a member of the program board of the Share the Care Foundation, which promotes a partnership model of the family as well as building an organizational culture supporting gender equality and parental equality.
Agnieszka Zaborowska – a lawyer, founder of ZABOROWSKA Kancelaria Adwokacka will moderate the debate. She is a specialist in public procurement and public construction projects, in particular road and railway investments. Featured on the FORBES 2023 list of the most outstanding lawyers in business. Academic lecturer.
Streaming of the debate will be available on Vistula University Facebook page.
Join us in the debate and ask questions.
March 20, at 10:00, auditorium A7