Home / News / Vistula Group of Universities is a co-organiser of the Warsaw Business Game, 2019

Vistula Group of Universities is a co-organiser of the Warsaw Business Game, 2019

WBG, Warsaw Business Game, logo, plakat

Play a business game.

If you feel passionate about business, marketing or finance, the Warsaw Business Game is an event just for you.

Vistula Group of Universities is a co-organiser of the tournament. Our 3-students team has already applied itself well in the competition. We hope that more will be ready and willing. You can win 3 thousand PLN!

The best Warsaw university teams join the WBG. They face a competition task simulating a real business situation.

Student teams are independently evaluated by an expert group of jurors. What counts is the way they solve a task, team work, analytical skills, strategy building, and the use of tools that give them the greatest chance of acquiring their planned results. The competition encourages participants to confront situations and show unconventional thinking, creativity, and innovation.

WBG is conducted in English, due to the increasing diversity of the student community, and the requirements of the global business world.

Join the Warsaw Business Game.

April 18th, 2019, from 18:00 – 21:00.

WIĘCEJ: http://bit.ly/WBG2019EP

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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