Home / News / The largest European research undertaking on student life – EUROSTUDENT. Join it!

The largest European research undertaking on student life – EUROSTUDENT. Join it!

Tell us how you live and study in Poland. Take part in the Polish edition of the pan-European study on living and learning conditions. The project will allow students in Europe to generally compare their lives in different ways.

The survey concerns private, financial, and economic factors, professional and academic spheres, as well as international mobility, and is available on the Internet. Its on-line completion takes about 15 minutes.

The study is directed to students:

  • people studying full-time and part-time;
  • students studying at university:
    • first degree (bachelor, engineering, or equivalent);
    • second degree (or equivalent);
    • uniform (master’s or equivalent);
    • people undertaking post-graduate studies.

Do not hesitate. Share your story and experiences.


The research contractor, an independent research agency, PBS Sp. z o. o. (formerly Pracownia Badań Społecznych), guarantees students full discretion and confidentiality. The information you provide will be separated from personal data, and the results of the survey will be presented only in the form of aggregated statistics.

EUROSTUDENT VII is the next edition of the international research project, which aims to analyse the socio-economic conditions of studying, and compare them with the conditions prevailing in nearly 30 European countries. The cyclical character of the measurement allows the capture of trends, whose knowledge is useful in shaping public policy in the higher education sectors. The methodology of the study is supervised by a team made up of representatives from all participating countries, under the guidance of researchers from Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Poland is taking part in the project for the fourth time.

 All data collected as part of this edition, will be made available for scientific and statistical non-commercial purposes, in an anonymous form via the Research Data Centre for Research and Scientific Research in the field of Higher Education and Science, institutions of countries participating in the EUROSTUDENT project, and scientists, and other users. It will be a valuable source of information for analysis, for those interested.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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