Home / News / The Innovation Manager Academy – Inauguration

The Innovation Manager Academy – Inauguration

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The Academy of the Innovative Manager starts. A consortium of Vistula University and Vistula School of Hospitality is a partner.

The Academy of the Innovative Manager is an original training and consulting programme of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, co-financed by the European Union. Its aim is to equip managers and employees of enterprises, with the competences necessary to manage the change process, which leads to the implementation of innovations. The programme was created in co-operation with the best business practices in the field of modern business management and the implementation of innovations. It provides participation in interesting workshops and lectures, but also 170 hours of dedicated consultancy work.

A recruitment process is just starting, and a pilot programme will commence in spring. The Vistula University, together with the Vistula School of Hospitality – as a consortium – are project partners. We are responsible for the training and advisory part. We will provide trainers, and in the first phase, we will organise 9 conferences and training sessions, along with two conventions at our university in April and June, 2019.

This programme was created for those who want to implement innovations, but do not know how to do it. The Academy of the Innovative Manager’s experts will provide them with the necessary practical knowledge. They will help to develop a plan to implement changes, so that they can create innovative products or services, increase work efficiency, and gain an advantage in the market. It is the only such project that provides the synergy effect between workshop, advisory, mentoring, and expert support for companies.

The programme is scheduled to last till 2023, and is to include thousands of employees from several hundred companies. The organisers, however, plan to continue the project in the long-term.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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