Home / News / Success for Vistula’s students of Journalism: their documentary film ’Distant Mother’ is awarded

Success for Vistula’s students of Journalism: their documentary film ’Distant Mother’ is awarded

grupa, studenci, akademik, fotografia

What is it like, to leave two young children somewhere in Indonesia, to continue studying in Warsaw? What is it like, to love at a distance, miss and care for loved ones? The short documentary film, ’Distant Mother’, produced by students of Journalism and the Social Communication programme at Vistula University, tells such a story. The heroine is a young, strong, intelligent woman who makes a difficult decision to graduate, just like her husband, and to have a better future.

The documentary, created as part of the ’TV WORKSHOP’ seminar, has just won a competition initiated by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Poland, for a work presenting the face and problems of modern democracy.

Participation in the Bali Democracy Students’ Conference is the prize. The event will take place in Indonesia on December the 5th and 6th, 2019 (https://bdsc.kemlu.go.id).

The authors of the film jointly decided to be represented by Maame Oppong, a 3rd-year student of Journalism and Social Communication at Vistula University. “This award is significant to me,” says Maame. – Our hard work and sleepless nights did not go in vain – she adds.z

– “When we started working on this film, we were a group of students and a lecturer. After three months of working together, we became a team, that together, found the heroine, shot photos, interviewed, and edited a short film”, – says lecturer Marcin Antosiewicz. “I am proud of my students – he emphasises. – We managed to make a documentary film that talks about equality between women and men, the power of education, and the power of new technologies in maintaining family ties. The story told in our film describes the problems and the face of modern democracy in the time of digitisation”.

We invite you to see the awarded documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7KE5cz_KY8
and the making of it, in which you’ll see what the work on the film looked like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEQxGROrrU4

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