Home / News / If global leaders are able to face challenges today? Exciting XII Dialogue Center of the Rotary Club Biała Podlaska with the participation of experts from the Vistula Group of Universities.

If global leaders are able to face challenges today? Exciting XII Dialogue Center of the Rotary Club Biała Podlaska with the participation of experts from the Vistula Group of Universities.

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“We are too often ruled by ignorant peope” – former German president Richard von Weizsäcker one said. Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski, representing the Vistula University Group, who was the moderator of the discussion entitled “Leaders and masses, mutual relations” , recalled his words.

Guests from the world of science, politics and journalists – also from the USA and Belarus, attended the XII Center for Dialogue of the Rotary Club Biała Podlaska . The discussion was focused on the global leadership crisis and the importance of interests in politics.

Professor Longin Pastusiak, GUV lecturer and author of the biographies of American presidents, spoke about the leadership phenomenon of the current host of the White House – Donald Trump, ambassador Stanisław Ciosek – on Vladimir Putin’s peculiarities of power, Jarosław Kociszewski – on the specificity of leadership in the Middle East, and dr. Krzysztof Mroziewicz – on the uniqueness of governments in China and India.

Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski stressed that the Dialogue Center of the Rotary Club Biała Podlaska is a chance to get to know great guests, but also it is the opportunity to assess the current situation in the country, in Europe and around the world and draw conclusions.

Rotary is a global humanitarian organization. It has 1.2 million members associated in clubs in over 200 countries and geographic regions.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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