Home / News / Magda Klimczyk took part in IMPEX America in Las Vegas!

Magda Klimczyk took part in IMPEX America in Las Vegas!

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IMEX America is a great show in Las Vegas, abounding in events – fair, educational sessions and galas. This exhibition is a great networking event – brilliant speakers, fresh ideas, unceasing inspirations. Moreover, the Future Leaders Forum, i.e. a conference for young professionals who are starting their adventure in the meetings industry is organized each year.

This year’s edition of the event was the largest in history. It was attended by over 13,000 guests from 150 countries including Poland which has a very strong position in the meetings industry and is recognized in the world.

Magda Klimczyk, our student of Tourism and Recreation at WSTHM was among the guests. Magda won a scholarship, she wanted to develop her future professional career in the area of meetings organization. After her trip to Las Vegas, however, she has realized that she is closer to creation – I wish to focus on event design – she says. – It’s very exciting to create a story that makes a logical whole. I want this story to be a special experience for people, to change their personality and behavior – she adds.

The IMEX America fair showed that personalization of experience and design of impressions are significant trends in the meetings business. Today, a prestigious location and elegant dinner are not enough. Customers must be provided with unique, tailored experiences. You have to act on all senses and stimulate. You should amaze.

Magda had to stand out to get a scholarship to Las Vegas. During her studies she became a coordinator of the CSR project, joined the 2B students club and designed a conference on food waste. Then she was nominated in a contest “Creative Young of Event Industry” organized by the MP Power Awards, she won Future Leader competition and attended the big industry fair in Frankfurt. Prior to that, she took part in internships and voluntary work.

Magda described her achievements in the application for a scholarship to attend IMEX America. Her broad resume opened up the door to a great adventure for her.

-You need to be open-minded, to read, train and develop your skills, to observe Polish and international mentors, this is the key to success – says Magda, and she adds – you just have to want it.

When people meet, they can change the world.

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