ISM scientific seminar on: ’Emotions and prejudices in international relations, historical and contemporary roles of non-objective factors in international relations’.
The lecture will be given by Ph.D. Przemysław Piotr Damski. On the one hand, his speech will attempt to characterise what emotions are, and what their role in international relations is, whilst on the other hand, it will be the presentation of specific problems, existing now or in the past, in which emotions play an important role.
In the case of the analysis of international relations, it is assumed that actors, both state and non-state, act rationally, or at least follow their own interests. This concept is one of the foundations of realistic theory and its mutation. Its base, however, is deeper. Other theories, though they put more emphasis on the individual or society, often seem to follow a similar direction.
It is only recently that the science of international relations has been paying close attention to the non-objective factors which affect the decision-making process. The sources of this “emotional turn” should be seen in the general trend that occurs in the social sciences and humanities. Entering psychology and psycho-analysis in the 1980s, was a contribution to research on more elusive factors than those rooted in trauma and experience. The advancing – at least from the time of the attack on the World Trade Center – radicalisation of social and political life, as well as the new wave of populism, sweeping through the Western world, were additional impulses for researchers.
Come and hear a fascinating talk.
You’re very welcome!
March the 19th, 2019, at 10:00 am, room 21.
Przemysław Piotr Damski – PhD in the science of humanities, an international relations history specialist, with particular reference to Great Britain and the United States; a graduate of the University of Łódż; an author of the monograph: ’Nearest Nations. British-American relations in the Theodore Roosevelt presidency era (1901-1909)’, as well as numerous scientific and popular science articles.
He has conducted numerous researches abroad, including in Great Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands; and was twice scholarship holder for the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies in the Netherlands.
He is currently researching on the role played by emotions and biases in international relations. Two projects are the result: ‘The Great War’ and ’Great Close-up’, and secondly, ‘British-American relations during World War I (1914-1918)’, with the second one being implemented in co-operation with Ph.D. Justyna Olędzka’s leadership in international relations.
Recent publications:
Damski P.P., Doktryny izolacji. Amerykańska i brytyjska polityka odosobnienia przed I wojną światową, [w:] Politycy, dyplomaci i żołnierze. Studia i szkice z dziejów stosunków międzynarodowych w XX i XXI wieku ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Maciejowi Brzezińskiemu w 70. rocznicę urodzin, red. R.P. Żurawski vel Grajewski, D. Jeziorny, i S.M. Nowinowski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017, s. 31–52.
Damski P.P. , Izolacjonizm i nieinterwencja w tradycji dyplomacji Stanów Zjednoczonych, „Sprawy Międzynarodowe” 2018 nr 3 (w druku).