Home / News / Inauguration of the new academic year 2019/2020 at Vistula Universities is now behind us – it’s time to study

Inauguration of the new academic year 2019/2020 at Vistula Universities is now behind us – it’s time to study

inauguracja, sztandar, godło, studenci

Thank you for being with us in large numbers. The inauguration of the new academic year is the most solemn and sublime moment in the academic life of Vistula University.

The attendance at the ceremony was fantastic. Our largest hall was filled to the brim. There were students, teaching staff and our guests of honour, including representatives of universities that are part of the Vistula Group of Universities. The Academic Music Quartet celebrated the ceremony, for the first time.

University rectors, professor Wawrzyniec Konarski PhD, H.M. Rector of the Vistula University and professor Jolanta Żyśko, PhD, H.M. Rector of the Vistula School of Hospitality gave traditional speeches. A motivational lecture gave Mrs Marzena Miaśkiewicz, president of Vistula Group of Universities,

We are starting the new academic year with joy and satisfaction. There are more and more of us. We note an increase in interest in our schools’ offer. We have students from 100 countries – we are the undisputed leader in internationalization. There are also more Polish students – a few per cent increase was noted.

At the same time, the entire Vistula Group of Universities is growing. Olsztyńska Szkoła Wyższa im J. Rusieckiego merged with the Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Ekonomii Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej, this year.

The Akademia Humanistyczna im. A. Gieysztora in Pułtusk, inaugurated the new academic year as a branch of the Vistula University. The ceremony, which took place on October the 6th, was hosted by Radosław Lolo, PhD – Director of the Vistula Doctoral School. He welcomed students and guests with a warm, enthusiastic, and optimistic speech. The Rector of Vistula University – Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, with strong support from those present at the ceremony: President of the Vistula Group of Universities – Marzena Miaśkiewicz; Vice-Rector for Student Affairs AFiB Vistula Dr. Maria Gasińska, and the General Director – Barbara Smuk, proudly represented Vistula at the event. Another highlight was a fascinating inaugural lecture: ‘Diplomacy in a distorting mirror’, delivered by Ambassador Zdzisław Rapacki, PhD.

Vistula strengthens its position on the education market. It’s a good signal for all of us.

Good luck in the New Academic Year 2019/2020!

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