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Get involved in the Vistula University clubs activities!

Start: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 10:00
End: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 14:00

Get involved in the Vistula University clubs activities!

Want to develop your interests and pursue passions? If so, get to know Vistula University clubs and get involved in their activities! Come on October the 15th for their presentation. 

Nowadays, BA or MA degree is not enough to develop a professional career successfully. You have to prove yourself and get attention. Involvement in the clubs activities is such a tremendous distinguishing feature and a significant advantage in employers eyes. 

You can join just existing clubs, there are about 20, or create entirely new ones. You will combine avail with pleasure:  

  • develop your abilities; 
  • have fun; 
  • find new friends; 
  • have an impact on University’s life. 

You will widen your horizons, extend your knowledge and use it in your life, gain experience. Develop self-reliance and creativity. By engaging in projects of the clubs, you will make a lot of valuable contacts, meet interesting people and see the world.  

You will take part in events, such as: 

  • science conferences, 
  • parties,  
  • integrational trips, 
  • meetings with experts and authorities. 

Sports enthusiasts can realize themselves in the Academic Sports Association, music and singing lovers – in the choir. 

We cordially invite you 

October the 15th, 2019 at 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, in the lobby in front of the reception 

Attention! A surprise awaits the participants of the event at 12.00.

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