Home / News / ‘Flamenco – mysteries of the phenomenon and a dance lesson’. A webinar with the participation of the outstanding dancer and choreographer, Karolina Łucznik

‘Flamenco – mysteries of the phenomenon and a dance lesson’. A webinar with the participation of the outstanding dancer and choreographer, Karolina Łucznik

flamenco, kobieta, tancerka

Flamenco means ‘fire and passion’. It is a magical, cultural phenomenon – music, singing, dancing, clothing, customs, and lifestyle. Originally from Andalusia, it has multicultural roots that go back to Hindu, Persian, Jewish, Arab, Moorish, and Byzantine cultures. Since 2010, the flamenco has been put on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List.

All those who want to discover the secrets of the flamenco and learn to dance, the Iberian Studies Science Club, which promotes Spanish Philology at Vistula University, invites you to a unique webinar. It will be conducted by Karolina Łucznik, choreographer, dancer, and teacher of Spanish dance and flamenco. The event will take place on January the 30th, 2021, at 11:00 am.

During the online meeting, she will talk about the Feria de Abril festival, which takes place in Seville in spring, which involves people spending a week having fun, and dancing the popular ‘sevillanas’. Karolina Łucznik will perform this dance herself, using castanets, scarves, and a fan. Then, she will present these props and talk about them. She will also show you her shoes and explain how to tap with them. The webinar programme also includes a 75-minute ‘sevillanas’ dance lesson.

Karolina Łucznik has been improving her skills for many years, during trips to Spain, where she trains with flamenco masters. Since 2004, she has been teaching at the Flamenco Dance School, ‘Triana’. She regularly performs as a soloist with recognised flamenco artists. She dances in the Contratiempo ensemble. She has performed in the most eminent concert halls in Poland (National Forum of Music, National Philharmonic in Warsaw, Łódź Philharmonic, Świętokrzyska Philharmonic), in community centres, as well as in small music clubs (Blue Note, Klubokawiarnia Mleczarnia, Galeria Sowa). She has also performed as part of a special flamenco evening in London (Pena Flamenca de Londres). She treats dance, primarily, as a means of expressing emotions flowing from music. On stage, depending on the choreography, she can delight and move an audience, but also make it laugh.

The event will take place on the Teams platform and will be held in Polish. Please send your applications to the following address: k.czepinska@vistula.edu.pl. The day before, all those keen participants will receive a link to the webinar.

Admission is free for all interested people, also for those from outside the university.

We cordially invite you on January the 30th, 2021, at 11:00 am.


  1. Fot. AFOTO.pl
  2. Fot. Janusz Białas
  3. Fot. Agatka Sołyga Photography
  4. Fot. AFOTO.pl
  5. Fot. Tomasz Ogrodowczyk, dzięki uprzejmości Filharmonii Łódzkiej
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