Exhibition of drawings and paintings by students of Architecture and Graphic Design

Join us at the opening of the “OUTDOOR AIR” exhibition presenting the works of Vistula University students, who, after completing their first year in the artistic fields of Architecture and Graphics, participated in an open-air drawing and painting event. The opening of the exhibition will take place on April 5 at 12:00 in our university building.
The open-air event took place in Warsaw and its surroundings, in the historic parks of Wilanów and Łazienki, in the Saski Garden and the Botanical Garden, in the Old Town and at the modern Library of the University of Warsaw. Some of the works were created in the Park in Powsin and the beautiful natural landscape of Masovia.
The concept of the exhibition is to show all works selected by the authors, placed on one board and described by name. The exhibition features sketches, small watercolor paintings and large drawings in mixed techniques.
To gratify students’ dedication and the amount of work they put in creating their works, we decided to give all of them an opportunity to present their various topics with varying levels of performance, so that each of them could feel appreciated. Besides the didactic aspects, artistic classes should allow students to feel the pleasure of creating works of art and allow them to relax.
This thought should accompany all participants of the exhibition whom we ask to refrain from criticism and take equal pleasure in looking at excellent, very good and good works.
The vernissage will start on Friday at 12:00. The works will be displayed in the corridor of the second floor, next to Room 214 and in the semicircular Gallery next to the lecture halls.
You are welcome to join us!
Dorota Wejchert, Robert Radziejewski, Urszula Gajczyk