European Union officials on careers in the Community institutions

On December the 2nd , students of Vistula University met with European Union officials: Filip Ślęzak from the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU and Łukasz Lisicki Policy Officer in the Energy Directorate of the European Commission. The event was organized by the Institute of Research in the discipline of Political Science and Administration and the field of International Relations. The meeting was opened by Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Rector of Vistula University and professor Agnieszka Legucka, PhD.
According to the speakers’ opinions, EU institutions are waiting for young employees, especially Polish citizens, whose underrepresentation among EU representatives is increasingly felt.
During a nearly two-hour meeting, the guests shared with students their valuable practical knowledge about professional career paths in EU institutions, primarily the European Parliament, the European Commission and EU agencies. They discussed the types of internships and competitions for positions in Community institutions as well as presented working conditions and recruitment procedures. Students of the last years of Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree studies learned how to prepare an application and what to focus on. The guests also highlighted the importance of choosing the right topic of the diploma thesis and of a very good knowledge of the English language. They also pointed out that summer work placement in government administration (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs) or in private companies are also highly appreciated. The latter should operate in a sector important for the agenda to which one wants to apply.
The speakers emphasized that the European Union’s commitment to gender equality strengthens women’s employment opportunities in EU institutions. Closing the gender gap at managerial level in the EU, as well as at lower official levels, is a clear trend in Community bodies.
The December meeting was the one in the series of events organized by the Institute of Research in the discipline of Political Science and Administration and the field of International Relations. The next meeting will take place in the new year. You are kindly welcome.