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Employees build the success of a company

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How to effectively train and develop skills of employees? What the management of competences means and how properly judge the employees skills? Answers for this questions you can find in the publication „Zarządzanie kompetencjami” (Competency management), written by dr. hab Teresa Kupczyk from the Institute of Management of Vistula University and dr. hab Marzena Stor from University of Economics in Wrocław.

The main objective of the research is to understand what is the competence management and analyze it among employees in selected companies in Poland, Spain and Austria.

The research was conducted in 2015 and 2016 and was divided into two phases. In the first period, 119 companies were analyzed, 78 of them in Poland, 24 in Austria and 16 in Spain. In the second period, the research was continued only in Poland, among 140 companies.

The result of the research includes the level of implementation of management competencies in enterprises and the characteristics of competence management characteristic of different countries.

The reviews of the publication was written by dr. hab. Elżbieta Jędrych, lecturer at Vistula University and specialist in marketing.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

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