Effective co-operation of the Vistula Tourism Institute with the Marshall’s Offices
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting tourism? This is a topic that keeps local governments awake at night. To identify problems and trends, not only current data, but also data from previous years, is needed. It is absolutely essential for the planning, event evaluation, and situation assessment process. That is why the Marshall’s offices use annual reports, prepared at their request, by the Institute of Tourism of the Vistula School of Hospitality.
The co-operation of local governments with the Institute of Tourism is a proof of a major degree of trust and recognition for the high competence of Vistula’s research staff, which has just completed reports for three voivodeships – Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, and Lubelskie, titled: ‘Polish Tourism in 2019. A Regional layout’.
The Marshall’s offices commission such studies every year, to effectively plan activities in the field of tourism, identify directions of its development in a given area, as well as to verify the achievements and the level of implementation of their strategy.
The reports consist of three parts. The first one presents data on infrastructure, the economy, and distribution of tourist traffic by country, and by all voivodeships in the period, 2017-2019. The second part includes data on the arrivals of domestic and foreign tourists to a given voivodeship, characteristics of tourism in a given region, and detailed data on tourists in collective accommodation establishments, as well as coverage on domestic and foreign tourist traffic. The third part presents the size and structure of tourism expenses incurred in the period, 2017-2019, and the expected expenses from the budgets of Marshall’s offices in 2020. The actual amount of expenses in 2020, will only be known in the first quarter of 2021.
Next year, the data identified in the reports before COVID-19, will be compared to those during the pandemic. Then, it will become clear what has changed, and to what extent. It is absolutely essential for the planning and event evaluation process.
The data from the reports, worked out by the Institute of Tourism, should be requested directly from individual Marshall Offices.
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