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Coronavirus – News

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The period of temporary shift of all didactic classes to the online mode is hereby extended to the end of the winter semester (February 18, 2022).

Due to this difficult pandemic situation, Vistula Universities are switching to distance learning. This solution will apply to students and lecturers to the end of the winter semester (February, the 18th).

During this time, the Universities will remain open. Administrative staff will work in a stationary. The Dean’s office, library, and other departments important to students, will be available.

At the same time, we would like to remind you that it is up to all of us to determine the further course of the pandemic. We can block it by limiting social contacts, and vaccinating against COVID-19. Vaccinations are free for both Poles and foreigners.

Currently each student has the possibility to register for free vaccination against COVID-19. Below you will find useful information and guidelines (in the document at the bottom of the page).

In connection with the worsening of epidemic situation, we would like to remind you of the obligation to comply with the following safety rules contained in the Orders of the Rectors of Vistula University and Vistula School of Hospitality:

only a healthy person, without symptoms suggesting an infectious disease, who has not been in direct contact with somebody infected with COVID-19, is not under quarantine/home isolation, may enter the University;

– when entering the University premises, each person is obliged to disinfect the hands with liquid based on min. 70% alcohol, located at the entrance to the main hall and at the entrances from the underground garage;

during your stay at the University, while moving along common areas and dealing with matters in various departments of the University, you must cover your mouth and nose with a mask (it is also recommended during classes), regularly wash and disinfect your hands, not use the lifts, unless it is necessary for health reasons (in this case, maximum 2 people can stay in the lift) and keep a safe distance from others;

– students’ stay at the University is limited only to visiting the library and to individual cases requiring direct contact between students and employees of the University. We remind you that there are still many things that can be done via e-mail, which we encourage;

– if the student notices symptoms of COVID-19 infection, he/she should stay at home and inform the medical services (general practitioner) about this fact. In case of being sent quarantine/home isolation, the student is obliged to immediately notify the University (m.jasinski@vistula.edu.pl and rektorat@vistula.edu.pl or rektorat.sgtih@vistula.edu.pl), enumerating the classes he personally attended in recent days.

Below is the necessary information and tips.

The coronavirus pandemic and its social and economic consequences can be very painful. We know that some of you are in a difficult life and financial situation.
Remember, you are not alone with your worries. Vistula will not leave you in the lurch. Our extensive system of scholarships and grants, which has been available since the beginning of the pandemic, will help you survive in this hard time. Each financial assistance inquiry is considered individually, none has been rejected so far. Do not delay. All information can be found at: https://www.vistula.edu.pl/en/students/scholarships.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

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