Home / News / An exhibition of works by Prof. Antonii Fałat – our lecturer in Brussels.

An exhibition of works by Prof. Antonii Fałat – our lecturer in Brussels.

obraz, kobieta, malarstwo

The conventions of photography, dark aesthetics, and metaphorical background are present in his paintings, as well as a strange anxiety, and the art of Antoni Fałat is duly notable for bringing out strong emotions.

His original and extremely sophisticated works are once again being presented in Brussels, which has a huge collector’s tradition. The paintings can be seen in the gallery of the well-known art dealer, Katarzyna Napiórkowska. It’s a great place and a prestigious address on the famous “Hill of Art”. The Royal Museum of Fine Arts, the Magritte Museum, and the National Library are next to the gallery.

In the 1970s, Fałat became famous as a co-founder of the group “Aut Pictura Aut Nihil” – “either painting or nothing”. He was also a co-initiator of the artistic movement, “For improvement”. His artistic attitude has always been characterized by an uncompromising vision and compositional boldness. He emphasises, that the most important thing is to create, in harmony with yourself, not to constantly undergo new, passing trends, because valuable works can only arise through free will and inspiration, not under the pressure of criticism or a desire to flatter tastes.

Antoni Fałat was a founder and long-time Rector of the European Academy of Arts. Today, he is Dean of the European Faculty of Arts at Vistula University.

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