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Stanisława Sobolewska, PhD

Stanisława is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, a Doctor of Education, and the author of numerous publications on economics and accounting, including the following publications: ‘Managerial accounting and elements of cost accounting: selected aspects’ (Rachunkowość zarządcza i elementy rachunku kosztów, wybrane zagadnienia); ‘Selected issues in financial reporting, Tax accounting – selected aspects’ (Wybrane problemy sprawozdawczości finansowej, Rachunkowość podatkowa – wybrane zagadnienia); ‘Public finances sector accounting’ (Rachunkowość sektora finansów publicznych); and – (forthcoming), ‘Kompendium wiedzy o rachunkowości’.

She has supervised numerous BA and MA theses, and is a long-time academic, teaching financial, managerial and tax accounting, as well as public finances sector entities accounting, among others. She also teaches courses for students of post-graduate programmes in accounting. For many years, she has worked in planning and accounting departments of companies, as well as participating in numerous training programmes and accounting courses.

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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