Stanisława Sobolewska, PhD
Stanisława is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, a Doctor of Education, and the author of numerous publications on economics and accounting, including the following publications: ‘Managerial accounting and elements of cost accounting: selected aspects’ (Rachunkowość zarządcza i elementy rachunku kosztów, wybrane zagadnienia); ‘Selected issues in financial reporting, Tax accounting – selected aspects’ (Wybrane problemy sprawozdawczości finansowej, Rachunkowość podatkowa – wybrane zagadnienia); ‘Public finances sector accounting’ (Rachunkowość sektora finansów publicznych); and – (forthcoming), ‘Kompendium wiedzy o rachunkowości’.
She has supervised numerous BA and MA theses, and is a long-time academic, teaching financial, managerial and tax accounting, as well as public finances sector entities accounting, among others. She also teaches courses for students of post-graduate programmes in accounting. For many years, she has worked in planning and accounting departments of companies, as well as participating in numerous training programmes and accounting courses.