Prof. Maciej Janowicz, PhD
Prof. Maciej Janowicz, PhD
Faculty: Art, Technique and Communication
Field of study: Computer science
Master degree from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, W (1987), PhD – Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, (1995), professor PhD in physical sciences, specialty theoretical physics: Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science. Research-didactic work: Institute of Physics, Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, (associate professor), Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science (associate professor); Faculty of Applications of Information Technology and Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Science (associate professor), in foreign institutions: Cambridge University (TEMPUS programme scholarship 2 x 3 months), Federal University in Rio de Janeiro (post-doctoral scholarship, 1 year), Royal Technical University in Stockholm (Swedish Institute scholarship, 3 months), Sussex University in Brighton (participation in a grant, 1 Year), Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg (Humboldt scholarship, 1 year). Teaching the language of programming (lectures and classes): Python, C++, C#, Java. Lectures and classes in: operating systems, elements of cryptology, component programming, programming paradigms, multiagent systems, algorithms and computational complexity, event-steered programming, cryptology. Author of 48 scientific publications.