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Prof. Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD

Prof. Elżbieta Jędrych, PhD
e-mail: e.jedrych@vistula.edu.pl
Faculty: Business and International Relations
Field of study: Management

Professor of economic sciences in the field of Management. From 2020, Vice-Rector for Education and Internationalization as well as Director of the Science and Research Centre at Vistula University. From 2014, Director of the Institute of Management.

Former lecturer at the University of Economics Prague, the Faculty of Business Administration and Monash University, Prato Centre, Business and Economics, Milano. Author of over 120 scientific publications and expert opinions on enterprise management. She specializes in human and social capital management, employee development management, motivating and remuneration, social responsibility in HR processes, social innovation in organizations and managing employee teams. She has received grants and implemented research projects related to strategy of investing in human and social capital, absorption of personal innovations in organizations as well as in increasing the competitiveness of the organization through the development of intellectual capital.

She promoted 5 PhD graduates in the field of economic sciences in the area of management.

Recent publications: Jędrych E. Kapitał społeczny. Ukryty potencjał organizacji. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2021.

Jędrych E., Rzepka A., Olesiński Z. (eds). Self-Management, Entrepreneurial Culture, and Economy 4.0 A Contemporary Approach to Organizational Theory Development. Routledge, New York, 2021.

Areas of didactic/scientific interests:

  • Human and social capital management
  • Absorption of social innovations in organizations
  • Leadership in employee teams
  • Shaping the professional development of employees – Life Long Learning
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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