Marcin Wawryszczuk, BEng, PhD
Marcin Wawryszczuk, BEng, PhD
Faculty: Art, Technique and Communication
Field of study: Computer science
PhD in technical sciences in the field of telecommunication; doctoral dissertation entitled: ‘Method of the development of a self-organizing sensory network of increased durability’ defended in 2012 in the Faculty of Electronics of Military technical Academy; participant in numerous courses documented with certificates: PMI PMP, Prince2 Foundation & Practitioner, Prince2 2009 Refresh, Six Sigma Green Belt, ITIL Foundation, Modelling in Enterprise Architect (UML and BPMN), VISION PLUS Module Overview & Concepts (in London), SICLID Electronic Banking System Overview, Concept and Modules (in Paris), IBM ES10 Fundamental System Skills in z/OS, IBM ES07 z/OS Job Control Language and Utilities, IBM ZV05 Installing, Configuring and Servicing z/VM for Linux Guests, IBM CI01 CICS Fundamentals, IBM CI17 CICS Application Programming 1, IBM CI24 CICS DB2 Interface for System Programmers, IBM AD60 Servlet and JSP Development with Rational Application Developer, IBM OL49PL Theoretical Foundations of the System OS/400, IBM OL20 System i/OS400 Control Language Programming Workshop for System I, IBM CF83 DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 Database Administration Workshop, IBM CF85 DB2 UDB for z/OS System Administration, IBM CF96 DB2 UDB for z/OS Application Performance and Tuning, Alcatel Certified Switch Professional, Alcatel Certified Switch Specialist. Practical experience gained in the course of work in institutions and firms: Credit Suisse Poland Ltd. Co. – Warsaw – Head of local GBSS IT/IT Project Manager (AVP), Deutsche Bank Poland S.A. – Warsaw/Madrid – IT Project Manager/Senior Business Analyst (AVP), Deutsche Bank Poland S.A. – Warszawa – IT Project Manager/Business Analyst, Sygma Banque S.A. – Warsaw (BNP Paribas) Expert Auditor (IT audit), Cetelem Bank S.A. – Warsaw (BNP Paribas) System Designer/Programmer.