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Janusz Marszalec, MS, MBA

An entrepreneur, researcher, investor, start-up company mentor, and member of the European Business Awards committee. For many years, he worked at VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland, in addition to collaborating with Technopolis technology park companies (which hosts more than 1,000 companies) He has worked for companies, such as Nokia, Kone, Fortum, and the European Space Agency. Janusz is also an author of more than 100 research publications, as well as of a number of books on advanced technologies, innovation, enterprise and science-industry collaboration, in addition to owning a few patents. He teaches enterprise at the Warsaw University of Technology and Vistula University, and organises training workshops for research institution employees developing new business ventures, based on scientific research results. As a member of the committee of the European Business Awards, he assesses company business models, strategies and financial results, participates in meetings with company managers, and creates recommendations. During his career as an adviser, he has worked for the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the management of the National Centre for Research and Development, local authorities, technology parks, business incubators, international scientific and industrial consortiums, and companies. He is the author of the book -’Jak zostać przedsiębiorcą. Zbuduj własną firmę i odnieś sukces! (How to become an entrepreneur. Build your own company and achieve success!)’.
The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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