Iwona Dolińska, BEng, PhD
Iwona Dolińska, BEng, PhD
e-mail: i.dolinska@vistula.edu.pl
Faculty: Art, Technique and Communication
Field of study: Computer science
A graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences; she has experience as a programmer, designer and analyst of information systems; she has been the assistant professor at Vistula University from 2003. A specialist in wireless technologies (especially IEEE 802.11 standard), computer networks and modern internet technologies; the lecturer in many subjects related to the construction and security of computer wire and wireless networks, technologies for creating websites, computer graphics and human-computer interaction, an author or co-author of three academic textbook and over 50 scientific publications in the field of computer science and IT applications and two textbooks.
Teaching/research interests:
- optimization of selected Wi-Fi network parameters in the physical layer and MAC;
- optimization of channel selection in 2D and 3D for home Wi-Fi networks in multi-family buildings;
- fairness evaluation and comparison of fairness coefficient in different domains, dead time and collision analysis;
- modern Internet and mobile technologies.