Anna Grzywacz, PhD
Anna Grzywacz, PhD
Faculty: Business and International Relations
Field of study: International Relations
Anna Grzywacz holds a PhD in Political Science (International Relations). She graduated in international relations from the Institute of International Relations (East Asian politics), Warsaw University. She is a National Science Centre Miniatura 4 and Sonata 17 grant-holder, a member of the Boym Institute, and a research fellow of the EANGAGE Think Next, Act Next – The Next Gen EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue funded by the European Union (2021–2022). She was awarded a scholarship for outstanding young researchers by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (2022–2025).
Recent publications:
- Recognising Indonesia’s actorness: challenging and contributing to norm diffusion, in Norm Diffusion Beyond the West, ed. by Šárka Kolmašová and Ricardo Reboredo, Springer, 2023;
- ASEAN’s narratives of non-compliance with norms: shaming and escaping a narrative trap, Media, War & Conflict, 2021;
- The authoritarian turn of middle powers: changes in narratives and engagement, Third World Quarterly, 2021 (with z M. F. Gawryckim);
- Indonesia’s (inter)national role as a Muslim democracy model: effectiveness and conflict between the conception and prescription roles, The Pacific Review, 2020.
Teaching/research interests:
- International relations in Southeast Asia;
- Foreign policies of Indonesia and Singapore;
- Discursive politics;
- Middle powers.