Integrating students with disabilities
Vistula University implements the project:
Integrating students with disabilities
Program: Operational Program Knowledge Education Development
Number and name of the Priority Axix: III Higher education for economy and development
Number and name of the Measure: 3.5 Comprehensive Programs for Higher Education Institutions
Application number in the Central Teleinformation System SL2014: POWR.03.05.00-00-A099/19
Institution to which the application will be submitted: National Center for Research and Development Enrolment number: POWR.03.05.00-IP.08-00-DOS/19
Project implementation period: from 2019-11-01 to 2023-09-30
Amount of funding: 3 742 577,75 PLN
Source of funding: European Social Fund
Project objective: Support for organizational changes and increasing staff awareness and competences in the area of disability by September 30, 2023 at Vistula University, through the implementation of activities aimed at ensuring by the university communication accessibility, administered websites, IT tools, education procedures in higher education, introduction to modification education programs ensuring their accessibility for students with disabilities as well as activities in the field of architectural accessibility.