We are launching a new project – “Integrated Vistula of the Future”.

The Vistula Academy of Finance and Business focuses on implementing changes in the management of the education process and improving the quality of teaching. The project we develop, has been appreciated and co-financed by the European Union by the amount of 6 918 834,97 PLN.
We plan to achieve the main assumption of the project through the implementation of specific goals:
- 30 percent of graduates supported by the European Social Fund will continue education or will take up a job within 6 months of completing education;
- 199 people (including 89 women) will increase their competences as part of the activities of the Academy supported by the ESF;
- 60 people (including 30 women) – Academy’s employees, thanks to ESF will increase their teaching skills;
- 20 people (including 10 women) – Academy’s employees, thanks to ESF support, will improve their management skills.
The project is aimed at students, teaching staff as well as management and administrative staff. The participants of the project will be:
- 45 students (including 15 women) who will take up and complete their education at a higher level in the new field of education covered by the Energy Management project;
- 24 students (including 12 women), of the last semesters of full-time Bachelor degree studies on International Relations program (beginning of studies 2016/2017), who will take part in international professional internship;
- 130 students (including 62 women), last 4 semesters of all faculties who will complete trainings raising key competences;
- 60 Academy’s research and teaching employees (including 30 women), who will complete training to improve teaching skills;
- 20 Acadamy’s employees of the management and administration staff (including 10 women) who will complete competence-enhancing training management.
Project implementation period: April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2022.
Tourism Education of the Future – a comprehensive program to improve the quality of teaching process management and teaching quality at the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
The Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management has launched a project with the aim to improve the quality and effectiveness of education and management processes at the School. It has been co-financed by the European Union in the amount of PLN 6 936 740,66.
The project assumes:
- Development and implementation of a new education program in the field of Lifestyle Coaching for 40 students;
- Implementation of training for students (IT, project management, accounting, payroll and HR, fixed asset records), teaching staff (in the area of attracting students to classes, conducting classes in a new language, soft skills necessary in a multicultural environment, modern pedagogical methods) and management and administrative staff (in the field of university management, university funding);
- Organizing domestic and international internships for students;
- Establishment of the employee portal supporting the process of effective human resource management;
- Establishment of a laboratory platform supporting the process of knowledge management and information at the School.
We assume achieving specific goals:
- increasing the availability of new education programs adapted to socio-economic needs;
- improvement of students competences;
- supporting education and management processes.
The project is aimed at students, teaching staff as well as management and administrative staff.
Project participants will be:
- people who want to start a Master degree full-time studies in a new faculty: Lifestyle Coaching;
- students from the last four years of the following courses: Tourism and Recreation and Dietetics, who want to increase their analytical, IT, professional, communication and entrepreneurial skills;
- students from the last two semesters of Tourism and Recreation program, who want to gain practical competences taking part in internships;
- research and teaching employees who will complete training to improve teaching skills;
- employees of the management and administration staff who will complete trainings raising management competences.
Project implementation period: April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2022.