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VU student in international Carnegie Council program

Mariia Morozova – student of International Relations BA program at Vistula University was approved at the Carnegie Council as Ethics Fellow for the Future, and she will take part in a mentoring program. She will participate in research projects on ethics in international affairs.

Ethics Fellows for the Future are student mentees of Carnegie Council Global Ethics Fellows. They represent the next generation of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners working to bridge ethics with international affairs. The purpose of the program is to facilitate dialogue between students from all regions of the world and to encourage them to work collaboratively on global challenges.

Maria Morozova, as a senior at Vistula University, is writing her diploma thesis on the water security post-2015 substantial agenda, focusing on strategies for protecting global environment and compliance of Millennium Development Goals. Because her career goal is to work on security policy and environment generally in Western and Asian regions, she’s writing her bachelor’s thesis on environmental security policy and stewardship in order to gain knowledge on how international community handles these complex issues and what are the future perspectives for human beings.

– Working in the Ethics Fellows for the Future would allow me to deepen my knowledge in differences of Asian and Western values and political structures; and to gain experience in climate change and economic spheres I hope to assist in my career. Because of my familiarity with ethic issues and development policies, as well as my language skills in English, Russian and Spanish, I would be happy to work on cases dealing with global ethics and state capitalism in international affairs, but I would also be delighted at the opportunity to work in any of the areas on which the program focuses, including history and cooperation; gender and traditions; citizenship and difference – emphasizes Mariia Morozova.

The program comprises four major activities:

Ongoing virtual dialogue via globalethicsnetwork.org: This log-in site serves as a virtual meeting place for all Ethics Fellows for the Future and mentors to engage in discussions, collaborate on projects, and share ethics-related content;
In-person workshop: The day-to-day discussion facilitated by globalethicsnetwork.org is complemented by an in-person workshop to be held in October 2015 for Global Ethics Fellows and Ethics Fellows for the Future at the Council’s NYC Headquarters. All Fellows and mentees are invited to attend (some funding is available toward travel and accommodation costs for American and East Asian mentees). The workshop aims to deepen the partnership among Ethics Fellows for the Future enabling them to meet each other in-person, finalize collaborative projects started via the digital platform, brainstorm ideas for new collaborative activities, use the facilities of the Carnegie Ethics Studio to conduct collaborative video and audio recordings, and discuss global ethics.
Global Ethics project: Produce a project, such as a research paper, op-ed piece, presentation, or interview, related to your interests and ethics in international affairs. This project should be overseen by the Global Ethics Fellow. Share a brief summary of your project at our annual Fellow’s conference in Fall 2015, if attending.
Attendance in an annual conference of the Carnegie Council (20-23 October 2015 in New York City). It is an important advantage if the interest of selected Ethics Fellows for the Future lays within the area that the annual conference will explore: (d.1) ideological and philosophical foundations in Asia and the West for political thought in Asia and the West; (d.2) competing claims over development goals and environmental stewardship, history and cooperation, gender and traditions, citizenship and difference, the free market and state capitalism; (d.3) the prospect for an Asian Century, the end of the American Century (d.4), and the future of Asia’s relationship with the West.

The coordinator of Mariia Morozova, one of the Global Ethics Fellows, will be dr. Bartłomiej Nowak – Chair of International Relations Department at VU,, Political scientist. He holds a PhD from economics and completed his executive studies at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dr. Nowak was a fellow at the Transatlantic Academy in Washington D.C. (2013-14) and executive director at the Center for International Relations (Warsaw 2010-13). Previously he was working in the European Parliament (Brussels-Strasburg, 2004-2009) as the head of cabinet of EP Vice-President, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, and as an advisor to members of the Convention on the Future of Europe (2002-2003).

At the Vistula University dr. Nowak teaches the courses on global governance, international political economy and global ethics.

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