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Vistula University among the top research units in Poland

The Faculty of Business and International Relations carries out research at a high international level and it has now been included among the most prestigious academic centers in Poland. This has been confirmed by the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In April 2015, in result of a parameterization, the ministry assigned Vistula University to the high category A.

We are proud of being included in category A by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This award places our university among the top research units in Poland, both public and private. I would like to congratulate our scientists for their continued commitment and the scientific research that they carry out. The results they achieve reach a very high international level and constitute a useful tool for business. It is, moreover, valuable information for our students. “Each year, Vistula University confirms its strong position on the Polish education market, not only as an institution educating students, but also as a significant research center” – says the rector of Vistula University, Marek Kulczycki, PhD.

Each year, the Faculty of Business and International Relations of Vistula University under the direction of prof. Juliusz Kotyński prepares expert reports, scientific studies or publications of considerable significance for the economy and business. It also regularly organizes conferences which attract representatives of the world of science and business

The projects carried out by the Faculty include, among others, a report commissioned by KRD (the National Debt Register) “Social Capital and Business Confidence in Poland 2015”, development of a methodology which allows to select prospective global leaders in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, a study combined with a diagnosis and recommendations on the role of interest groups in the lawmaking process in Poland, a report on innovation in the Polish economy or on the innovative character of the Polish medical and pharmaceutical sector.

As we read in the explanatory memorandum of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: “Category A is granted as a result of a comprehensive quality assessment of the scientific as well as research and development activities. This assessment evaluates the results of the research and development in relation to international standards as well as the significance of a research unit for the development of science on an international scale and the growth of innovation in the country.”

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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