Home / News / Vistula School of Hospitality lecturer, Katarzyna Błaszczyk, has just received a Ph.D. degree.

Vistula School of Hospitality lecturer, Katarzyna Błaszczyk, has just received a Ph.D. degree.

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Vistula School of Hospitality lecturer, Katarzyna Błaszczyk, has just received a Ph.D. degree. Congratulations!

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction for us, that we can inform you that Ms. Katarzyna Błaszczyk, a lecturer of Dietetics at the Tourism and Recreation Faculty of the Vistula School of Hospitality (former Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management) has received a Ph.D. degree.

The Defence of her Ph.D. dissertation on the “Action of oat beta-glucans in inflammatory bowel diseases – model studies”, took place at the Food and Consumption Sciences Faculty at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

The reviewers emphasised the extremely high value of research carried out by the Ph.D. candidate, Katarzyna Błaszczyk, and the innovative nature of her work, which may be the starting point for further investigation into the patho-mechanism that causes inflammatory bowel and Leśniowski-Crohn’s diseases, and effective treatments for them.

On behalf of the Department of Tourism and Recreation staff and the entire Vistula School of Hospitality community, we would like to congratulate Katarzyna Błaszczyk on acquiring her Ph.D. We wish her success in her further professional development.

Katarzyna Błaszczyk, PhD., is a biologist and dietitian, an author and co-author of several scientific publications, as well as a manager and executor of national and international scientific grants. She has been recognised with several awards, including the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences awards, and the first prize for scientific achievements.

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