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Your future begins today! Decide your career and life.

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We have already started recruiting for studies.

Are you stressed and can’t sleep? Do you have a high school diploma or maybe you’ve finished your studies and do not know what to do next? Bet on knowledge and development. Take into account the passion, but also the requirements of the market. We follow it closely and we follow progressive changes. We know what’s hot.

Our University offers over 40 courses and specializations prepared in the accordance to the highest European standards.

You can choose between bachelor’s degree programs and master’s degree. Postgraduate studies are available for candidates with a bachelor’s, engineering, or master’s degree. You can study in Polish and English, as well as online – it’s a very fashionable trend and gives you the great opportunities.

You will certainly find a proposal tailored especially for you, and our University will become your place:

  • our modern campus will open up to you
  • you will quickly acclimatize – our mentoring program was created to support new students
  • the most prominent specialists will provide you with knowledge and practical skills
  • our rich scholarship program will help to pay your tuition
  • you will be able to work in many existing science clubs or you will set up new ones
  • Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator will help you to make the first steps in the business world
  • if you are a sports fan – our Academic Sport s Association is just for you
  • you can participate in the Erasmus program and spend part of your studies abroad – we enable to study in 40 countries

At our University you will have the unique opportunities. You will meet the people from 80 countries around the world. You can make new friends for life. We are the most internationalized high school in Poland.

We are leading in non-public educational sector rankings. We have been certified by the University of Leaders for years.

We know how to reconcile learning, work and passions. You do not have to give up anything here – you can grow in any area.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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