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To predict conflicts – cooperation of Vistula University and CE Financial Observer

And what if we could not only predict conflicts but also prevent them? The Conflict Research Unit at Vistula University created an analytical tool that allows assessing the risk of escalation of the conflict. With the support of Central European Financial Observer, the results of the analyses will be published and widely available, so they can be useful to the specialists and experts, but also everybody else seeking in-depth knowledge about the economy and its international conditionings.

Thanks to the cooperation, CE Financial Observer will regularly publish the analyses concerning the stability in the regions that are important for the Polish economy. The articles will be formed with the use of the tool created by prof. Wojciech Kostecki, and developed by the Conflict Research Unit. It takes into account nearly 800 criteria, such as external and internal relations, the involvement of international organisations, the economic situation, and the communication strategy. Apart from prof. Kostecki, the analysis will be created, among others, by Dr Agnieszka Kuszewska, Dr Monika Bartoszewicz, Dr Juliusz Maliszewski and Dr Jan Muś. Thanks to the CE Financial Observer support, the articles will be not only a solid dose of knowledge for academicians but also a fascinating lecture for the general audience. Some of the publication will be available in two languages: Polish https://www.obserwatorfinansowy.pl/ and English http://www.financialobserver.eu/.

The first article by Dr Jan Muś analyses the situation in the Balkans. The publication suggests that a new Cold War between Russia and the West may lead the Balkans into another conflict, and gives a clue how to avoid it. The article “How stable are the Balkans” can be read here https://www.obserwatorfinansowy.pl/tematyka/makroekonomia/stabilna-gospodarka-balkany-zagrozenia-konflikty/ (Polish version) and http://www.financialobserver.eu/cse-and-cis/slovenia/how-stable-are-the-balkans/ (English version).

The Central European Financial Observer features views and commentary from Poland and the CEE region, written by some of the Central Europe’s best journalists, economists and commentators. Our mission is to explain Central and Eastern Europe, its successes, failures and challenges, to a broader English-speaking audience.

CE Financial Observer is a part of ObserwatorFinansowy.pl, the project under aegis of the Polish central bank (Narodowy Bank Polski). It is an innovative attempt at fostering deeper knowledge of economics and financial markets in a region which has undergone dramatic and sometimes wrenching change over the past quarter century.

The Polish site has published thousands of articles about the Polish and global economy. Its reports have conducted hundreds of interviews with Nobel laureates, distinguished economists, business leaders and politicians with views from right across the political spectrum.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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