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‘The 14th International Silk Road Conference on Globalisation: Trends and Perspectives’

planeta, grafika, ziemia

Vistula University is a partner of the 14th International Silk Road Conference on Globalisation. The meeting will be held on October the 11th-12th, 2019, in Tbilisi. The International Black Sea University (IBSU) is a host and main organiser.

The conference will be a unique opportunity to discuss important global and regional problems, as well as challenges that the international community, regional organisations, and individual countries, are facing. Specialists in the fields of politics, journalism, economics, public administration, law, business, technology, and history will take part in it.

If you are interested in participating in the conference, please read the detailed information available at the website: https://silkroad.ibsu.edu.ge/.

At the same time, please pay attention to the following deadlines:

  • submission of presentations – until August the 23rd, 2019;
  • registration – until September the 13th, 2019.

All inquiries should be sent to the following e-mail address: silkroad@ibsu.edu.ge

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